There’s most notably the sculptor of the Statue of the Liberty, [Frédéric Auguste Bartholdi]( from my region (Alsace), or [Alfred Dreyfus]( who was at the heart of the political scandal [L’Affaire Dreyfus]( that inspired the controversial article *J’Accuse…* by the novelist Émile Zola.

I think it can be interesting to hear about the people behind some accomplishments this way.

  1. Carl von Linné wasn’t born here, but this is where he studied and worked. He is the father of modern taxonomy.

    Hans Rosling on the other hand were born and bred here.

    And our Prime Minister Magdalena are from this municipality.

  2. Antoni Gaudí i Cornet was born about 15-20 km away from my city. The High School I studied in actually keeps an exam he did there before going to University. I’m pretty sure I don’t need to explain who Gaudí is.

    Joan Prim i Prats is also somewhat famous. He was a 19th century politician and president of the spanish governement who was largely responsible for Amadeus of Savoy becoming King of Spain.

    Isidre Tondo i Ballart (aka Isidre de Rabassó) was from the area too. He is considered to be one of the best (and most mystical) leader of a Human Towers Group (Castells).

    Tondo was a contemporary and figurative neighbour of Narcís Oller i de Moragas, one of the most emblematic catalan authors of the 19th century.

    My city was also the birthplace of Antoni Rovira i Virgili, a noted 20th century historian and president of the Catalan Parliament during the 1930s.

    Along with Rovira, my city is also the birthplace of the most distinguished disciple of Gaudí, Josep Maria Jujol i Gibert. For years some of his works were misattributed to Gaudí himself.

  3. There are several, but in my opinion, the most remarkable is [Giuseppe Verdi](; he was born in my area near Busseto, not far from Parma (where I live). One of the greatest Italian opera composers of the 19th century and one of the most celebrated of all time, Giuseppe Verdi composed 28 operas, to which five revisions should be added. In them, his mastery of technical and dramatic means is put at the service of the expression of fiery romantic passions. His works, which were often associated with the events of the Risorgimento, still enjoy great popularity.

    Among his best-known works are: *Nabucco* (1842), *Rigoletto* (1851), *Il trovatore* (1853), *La traviata* (1853), Aida (1871).

  4. My area is known for some famous people that you probably won’t know if your not Dutch lol.

    I can only really think of one that might be a little more familiar.

    Albert Cuyp. If you ever went to Amsterdam, you’ve probably heard of the Albert Cuyp markt. He’s not from Amsterdam so we kinda got screwed in that area lmao.

    Also, I think Vincent van Gogh lived here for a while. I remember visiting his house when I was younger.

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