So my [34M] husband and I [36F] got in a fight because he scared our dog tonight on purpose. He lovingly coaxed the dog over then lunged at him and blew a loud whistle that sounds like a mountain lion right in his face. The dog is small like 15 lbs and ran off with his tail between his legs and I got mad because 1. I had told him the dog and I were cuddling when he first started calling him over 2. The whistle scared the crap out of me too and I’m in bed with Covid and 3. Our dog is the most gentle soul who is already timid and stress-avoidant and may have been abused before I adopted him. When I told him how uncool that was he said it’s normal, everyone scares their dogs, people on YouTube do it, 99% of households do it, I’m being a snowflake, and I’m overreacting. He said he has zero remorse so I said that’s heartless at best sociopathic at worst. That decent people don’t take pleasure in scaring helpless dependents. He has a history of showing very little empathy toward others, me, the dog etc. When we were first married he tried putting a sock over my dogs face and head and we fought about that. We are already going through a lot and I just feel so angry that he keeps using our dog as a way to fight with me (again being sick I asked him to take our dog out yesterday since it had been almost 8 hours since his last pee and he says “the dogs fine you know he doesn’t need to go out so much”.) I just feel like he never respects my wishes for the dog (who was mine before we married) and always challenges me on everything to do with him. Just looking for any feedback. Thanks.

Editing to say he’s knocked on the door asking me if I’m “just going to stay mad” or if we can “get on with our night” which is so typical. Never any real accountability or apology but I’m supposed to just move on. I’m ignoring him.

  1. And how many veterinarians recommend this abusive act on youtube?? I saw that there was a beheading posted on youtube once. We normalizing acts of cruelty if it is posted??

    Don’t be confrontational with him. But seriously sit him down and look up this information together. He might just get defensive and not know how to accept facts.

  2. Holy, shit, your husband is a horrible human. If I were you, I’d start getting it together to leave…

  3. It’s NOT normal. Not everybody does it. Fuck people on YouTube. 99% of households do NOT do it. He’s an asshole. You’re not overreacting.

    My dog is 15 years old and I’ve never done that to him. Never done it to any other dog I’ve had either. Nobody I know has ever done it to their dog. And for your husband to do it to a dog that may have been abused is unconscionable.

    I wouldn’t allow someone who acts like this around any of my animals. He has no remorse and doesn’t even show empathy to you? Fuck him.

  4. I’ll be honest. Someone pulled that shit with my dog and I don’t care married or not, I’d be out. Why? Because our pets cannot advocate for themselves just like kids. It’s never okay to allow for abuse.

    What your husband is doing is abusive.

  5. Why are you with him? He’s a sadistic a$$hole who gets off on causing on creatures to feel fear. No way I’d stay with an animal abuser.

  6. The way you create a fearful biting out of control dog is to scare them unprovoked. Scaring a dog is NOT something people do unless they are complete AHs. What people do on YouTube and TikTok is pretty desperate plays for attention not a reflection of reality.

    How a man treats an animal is a sign of how he will treat a child or any creature that he has power over and what he will do when no one is looking. RUN.

  7. Yeah this is disgusting. He’s a true bully. Also, being cruel to your partner’s pets is abuse, of not just the pet, but partner as well.

    Might be time to think of moving on for sure. I hope your dog is gonna be ok. This really made me mad to read!

  8. Your husband is a psychopath and a total piece of shit. What’s he gonna do to your freakin kids?

  9. Your husband is an animal abuser. Please do not leave your dog alone with him. You need to choose between your husband and your dog. If you’re going to stay in this relationship (I don’t think you should), you should re-home your dog because your dog does not deserve this. And if you stay in this relationship, please don’t have children with this man – he will torment them the same way he torments your dog.

  10. get a shotgun loaded with blanks then fire off three rounds over him while he’s sleeping. if you really want to freak him out handcuff his arm and the opposite leg to the bed frame before the shots and do all this in a completely darkened room then after you fire the shots, count to 20 silently then throw a bucket of ice water on him. then sit in a chair across the room for 20 minutes and eat pie silently staring while he curses you. afterwards explain that’s how the dog felt. wear earplugs.

  11. When he hurts your dog you will blame yourself. And you’ll be right to since he’s demonstrated that he takes pleasure in tormenting him. Why don’t you do yourself and your dog a favor and ignore him all the way to a lawyers office and then a judge?

    BtW I speak from experience. He never cared about scaring or upsetting my dog and then he actively tried to hurt him one night because he was mad at me. My dog is fine but that’s just because of luck. Don’t make the same mistake I did. Don’t think he would never do anything like that because he already is.

  12. Would he do that to a child? Your dog is a living being completely reliant on you two. If he wouldn’t do it to a child then don’t do it to a dog.

    (While different I will also note people do scare their children and exploit them for YouTube etc. however this can sometimes be a game the kids are in on aka scaring each other or it can be mean like in this scenario)

  13. Sounds like a cunt. I’d love to knock him out

    Get that whistle snd blow it loud directly in his ear when he doesn’t expect it. See how he feels

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