For some context, my boyfriend and I have been together for over a year. A few months ago (back in March I believe), we were hanging out. I was cooking for him and we got on the topic of tiktok. I casually mentioned that his account showed up in my “Recommended” section on there. He got all flustered (to this day I can’t tell whether he was joking or not) and immediately grabbed his phone, opened tiktok, and I’m assuming started going through his likes while saying “If you see anything in my likes, it was from last year.”

This made me suspicious, but he tried to convince me that he was just joking, so I dropped it.

We ended up following each other on there and all was well, until about a week later. Another account showed up in my “Recommended” section on TikTok. It was my boyfriend.

It had a blank profile picture, 3 following, 0 followers, a random username, but his actual real first name. I know it was him because it said he was in my contacts and I have never had anyone else with his first name in my contacts (he has a unique name).

When I found this, I casually asked him if he had another account on there, and he said the following:

“Another account? What are you ever talking about. That’s not me”

I sent him a screenshot saying that the account was in my contacts and he said, “Wtf. You need to chill out. You’re just trying to find things to get mad about. Idk what to tell you.”

I was obviously puzzled about why he’d lie about something like this, and suspicious about why he got so defensive. But ultimately I dropped it. I figured it might’ve just been an old account that he forgot about.

Until today, months later, I sent him a TikTok and it said “_____ just viewed the video you shared.”

The “_____” being the username of the tiktok he assured me wasn’t his.

At this point, I’m not even mad about him having another account. I’m mad and confused as to why he would vehemently deny the account as being his and get so defensive over it. Especially when it’s blatantly obvious that it *is* his account.

I feel silly for getting upset over something so trivial, but the fact that he lied to me so confidently isn’t sitting well with me at all.

We’re supposed to see each other tonight. Should I bring it up in person, or do it now over text? Or just not bring it up at all?

Tl;dr I found out my boyfriend has another tiktok a few months ago and he lied to me and tried convince me that it wasn’t his. Today I found out that it *is* his. Not sure what to do now.

  1. He is 28, lying about a social media account. Maybe this makes you wonder why he is lying about this and what else he is lying about. You want to be able to trust the person you are with. If you dont trust him, you should dump him

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