I was blessed (read:cursed) with being a light sleeper. It might have been useful had I been a guard or a soldier but I am a simple IT guy. I do not need to be alert at night; I need to sleep. Yet, the faintest noise wakes me up. I use white noise and earplugs, but sometimes the earplugs get uncomfortable and I remove them. Footsteps, hushed talking, even someone triggering a light switch wakes me up. I look at people who sleep like a log with envy. What I wouldn’t give for a good night’s sleep.

  1. Have you tried silicone earplugs? I work night shift and use silicone earplugs when I’m on my stretch. They don’t hurt and work really well, especially paired with a white noise machine blasting.

  2. Find the right earplugs for you. You can get custom made ones that will be awesome. Do it. Invest in your sleep. It’s like $100.

  3. Get some cbd sleep gummies. White noise (I use a fan), eye mask, black out shades

  4. Focus on your circadian rhythm.

    Get some blue light blocking glasses, wear them for a few hours before your bed time. Try to make your bedroom as dark as possible (blackout blinds, stickers over any lights on electronics).

    Wake up, and get outside for some sun, even just for 10 minutes, walk down the road and back up if you have to.

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