to women 25+, does life move really fast after 25? when did it go by the quickest? and why?

  1. I’m 30 and time is flying.

    It feels like everything happened just yesterday. I will be looking at a picture and feel like it just happened not too long ago then look at the time stamp and realize it was a year or 5 years ago.

    But then sometimes it feels like forever ago and it not be forever ago.

    I guess it is just the feel of it. Both insanely fast and then slow.

    All of the days seem to run together and it definitely doesn’t feel like there is as much time as there used to be.

  2. I’m in my late 30s. For me the older I get the faster time seems to pass. Obviously it’s just a perception thing but it’s a weird feeling. I remember 3 months of summer vacation between school years feeling so long as a kid, now 3 months flies by like nothing.

  3. There are reasons why it feels like times moves faster when we are older: First of all, a given time span is much shorter compared to the entire time we have existed so it looks less significant. And as we get older, many experiences aren’t new anymore so you tend to get bored. When another year with “more of the same” has passed, you barely notice. This changes only when you experience new things, turn your life around, make big changes.

  4. Literally every elderly person I’ve ever met says it only continues to go by more and more quickly

  5. No it doesn’t go like this, it’s about your perception and what you focus on. For me days go really slowly sometimes.

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