I’ve had my Mirena for just over a year now. My boyfriend and I typically use condoms in addition, but after reading about the efficacy between condoms and no condoms, the difference is supposedly .1 different. Anyway, my boyfriend has just been pulling out before ejaculation. The only risk in our situation is pre-cum. Should we be worried about pre-cum from him pulling out? My feeling is, if Mirena is said to be 99.5% on its own, or whatever it is, and that’s assuming full ejaculation takes place, than just pulling out and having pre-cum only should be pretty much 100%, right? I guess I’m a little concerned pre-cum could be a problem, should I be worried?

  1. I have Mirena, and my boyfriend and I don’t use condoms, nor does he pull out. Haven’t had a pregnancy yet in the almost 3 years of having the IUD, but did have a pregnancy scare about a year ago (turns out my PCOS was acting up and I had a small cyst burst, as well as I was passing a few kidney stones, causing my body to feel off-kilter).

  2. There’s a chance precum has viable sperm cells in it, especially if he’s cum once already. Any sex carries the CHANCE of pregnancy, barring someone having had a medical procedure for permanent birth control…

    However, there’s also a chance you could have an asteroid drop on your house.

    It’s about how much chance you are willing to risk. (And as the father to two kiddos who were both conceived on birth control, I don’t say that lightly!)

  3. Keep in mind the effectiveness rate of 99% isn’t based on individual use. That means out of 100 women using the method 1 becomes pregnant each year.

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