How does the process of bulking and cutting work?

  1. Okay… so you make a lot of blow (I’m not telling you how) then you cut it with flour, baby formula or a diuretic powder.

  2. Caloric surplus leads to weight gain.
    Caloric deficit leads to weight loss.

    Factor in your macros, training and other variables and that leads to the differentiation between weight change vs composition change.

  3. Hi

    Been bodybuilding for only like a year, don’t take everything I say for complete granted (I am not a dietician)

    In short, Bulking (calorie surplus) is when you eat more food, stick to macros(carbs, low fat, protien based food) and typically eat more than you burn off. This helps your recovery, and increases muscle growth and hypertrophy. You WILL gain fat while bulking. This is NORMAL!!!

    Cutting/shredding (calorie defecit) is when you eat less food, lower calories than you burn, keeping to your macros, and burn off fat. This will lose some of your gains, but it’s a well worth trade off if you want to stay lean. Therefore, you can build muscle, then burn off rhe fat you gain from excess food. At the end of the bulk/shred split, you have around the same body fat, but more muscle mass.

    This is how pro bodybuilders eat 8 meals a day, 7000 cal and still look shredded as fuck.

    EDIT: Made corrections to original post. Thanks, u/pay-this-fool

    Post edit side note: A lot of people very heavily underestimate how many calories they are actually eating. Keep this in mind. It mostly depends on if you belive in counting calories or not, personally I do, and i keep track of everything I consume (food and drink!)

  4. You bulk by putting on fat, which is needed to build muscle. Fat also allows you to lift heavier which puts muscle on faster.

    After a bulk, you shed the fat (calorie deficits) to reveal the muscle underneath that you built.

    This is for aesthetics. Generally, the more fat you have the more you can lift (this is why power lifters are fat, but lift more than body builders who are lean at their peak physiques).

    If you’re new to lifting stay away from this until you learn more, but you want to be eating in a calorie surplus to put on muscle.

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