Okay, I’ll start with a little background. Me and my ex broke up exactly 4 months ago after a 2.5 year, extremely loving, compatible and affectionate relationship. We had been friends for another 3 years previous. She noticed a girl in my comments section on Instagram whom I was in a group chat with (she lives several hundred miles away we didn’t know each other personally). She asked me to refrain from contact with this girl and I agreed (which I felt was hypocritical due to her actions but I should have communicated this). However, a couple months later I liked her post, and she found out because she followed her. It was a picture of her posing, fully clothed, on the top of a parking garage. I was also following her tik tok which had some vulgar videos, that I had not seen. Regardless, I should have stuck to my agreement. That’s not the main reason she broke up with me (according to her). The very next day, we tried to talk through it in a park. I was focused on resolving the problem rationally. I wanted to be able to interact with female coworkers, schoolmates for projects, ect for reasons other than attraction. I gave her verbal comfort, but I didn’t hug her because her body language and attitude made her seem unapproachable to me. However, I guess I shouldn’t have done this. She told me she had just wanted to be held by me and just forget it. She felt like she was no longer good enough to try for because I didn’t show enough love and affection and she wanted to be known she was wanted and loved. So, about 30 hours after she found out about the post, and an hour after this talk in the park, she broke up with me. She told me that the lack of affection, comfort and love made her feel not good enough, unwanted and unloved. The worst part about it is that I bought ingredients for cookies to make for her the next morning and I was going to give her the love and affection she needed, she just didn’t give me enough time before breaking things off. Upon receiving this message on facetime, I just said “OK” and hung up. I wanted to respect her decision although it destroyed me. In hindsight, I should have shown love and affection, but in the moment I did what I thought was best for the relationship. Her mom also texted my mom angrily and immaturely about the situation, but my mom stuck to my side.
I initiated no contact after attempting to gain closure from her. I blocked her on all platforms, which she said hurt her when I was attempting to get closure. I went out with a friend for prom roughly a month after (we never even kissed).
So that’s the breakup. I tried to end things on a positive note by giving her a water bottle with a note for her soccer games. She never responded, so I kept no contact. I worked on myself and have become more attractive physically, and I have engaged in new hobbies like guitar, nature visiting, and cooking and become extremely successful in another hobby. I pulled one of the hottest girls in the school according to my friends (though I am refraining from relationships right now, I don’t want to hurt anybody’s feelings since I am still in love with my ex). I deleted my main instagram account, partially because I couldn’t stand it anymore from the breakup. I kept one for my sport, but only follow female teammates. I maintained no contact and did everything those breakup sites and posts said to do besides checking her social profiles.
However, it never got better. I wanted her more than ever. I broke NC with a voice message a couple days ago telling her I missed her, I know I hurt her and apologize for the way I handled some things, but it would be nice to get in touch.
Her response was that she didn’t want to be in touch with me.
I want to respect her wishes so I didn’t respond and I know I should leave her alone. Even with all my success, I still love my ex and have so many feelings towards her. I don’t know why she doesn’t want to talk. Is there any way to get her back? Am I misunderstanding something? Am I supposed to try harder for her? In our breakup she did say that I used to not care about how unapproachable she was and I would’ve done anything for her and she wanted that (this went both ways), and if she was concerned about me showing care and love should I do that to get her back? I don’t know if I care about moving on atp

tl;dr Ex broke off long relationship for fixable weird reason; I still want her even after improving myself for months and NC

Edit: how do I move on?

1 comment
  1. >is there any way to get her back?


    > Am I misunderstanding something?

    **YES** She said to leave her along and you don’t understand you are supposed to leave her alone.

    > Am I supposed to try harder for her?

    **NO.** Leave her alone.

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