I’ve had this problem in all my relationships. I was raised in a Christian home and was basically taught that sex is wrong and dirty. I love sex but I feel disgusted with myself doing it and I think it’s because of how I was raised. My dad was also sexually abusive to my sister and said suggestive things to me and did weird stuff so I think that’s also a part of it. I don’t really want to talk to a therapist though, I have a hard time opening up.

I’m single right now so I’m trying to work through that before getting into a relationship. I feel the same about masterbation unfortunately too. How do I get over this?

  1. Unfortunately, therapy and talking about/confronting those hangups caused by your upbringing is the answer. There’s not really an easy fix that magically undoes years of trauma, it’s a process you work through with someone qualified enough to walk you through it.

  2. I think I posted this elsewhere not long ago.

    Religion ruined my 20s, I think its the most toxic and horrible thing ever, I will be angry about it for the rest of my life I am sure, but at least I’m well and truly better now.

    But I worked through it, feel free to DM about it.

  3. If your parents really thought sex was wrong, you wouldn’t even be here. Religion is a lie. It’s not wrong to love someone physically as well as emotionally. Like other said, see a therapist or at least a close friend to confide in.

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