We’ve known eachother a few months, hung out a lot at our first work social and got on great. She messaged me on LinkedIn to see if I got home safe (lol) and I got her number.

We’ve chatted a bit since then but got mixed signals, she’ll act flirty sometimes by message, but didn’t get the same vibes in the office and she left me on read one time so I just backed off.

Anyway we didn’t speak for a month or so but I messaged her yesterday as we were going to be in the office on the same days. She came across as really flirty again – asked if I’d missed her, said I looked like a model in a work photo she took of me, she suggested we go and get bubble tea together (which happened, but she proceeded to invite half the office along with us). She seems to go out of her way to touch me a lot too but idk if that’s just how she is.

Anyway, was getting mixed signals but said fuck it and sent her a message and suggested we go for drinks this weekend, she replied this morning saying “Good morning! Unfortunately I’m gonna be drunk out of my head this weekend – cousins birthday”.

I figured the fact that she didn’t suggest an alternative date meant she wasn’t interested so I just replied with “No worries – have fun!” and was planning on leaving it (she hasn’t replied).

My friend suggested I should try again as she is probably just busy, and that I should message her in a couple of days like “how’s the hangover? if you wanna get those drinks some time let me know” but I don’t wanna push things.

What do I do?

  1. Hey, I think you’re confusing flirty with just being nice. You should drop it. She’s not interested

  2. Work flirts are hot and cold like that, just go along with it but don’t hold your breath.

  3. Drop it. Maybe she sees you as a sort of work husband, but she clearly isn’t interested enough to make something happen outside of work.

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