Hi All,

Jehovah’s witnesses in our area have stopped the door to door harassment and moved on to personal letters. Does anyone have experience with stopping this and all types of communication? If I get in touch with the local Kingdom Hall and tell them I don’t want to be contacted, is that likely to encourage them further?

  1. > If I get in touch with the local Kingdom Hall

    I’d try that if you are finding them upsetting, I normally just look at them, shrug, and throw them away.

    Write to the hall and tell them not to contact your household as you are finding it distressing. I don’t know if it will work or not, but do understand they keep a record of contacts so perhaps that could work.

  2. Write to hall.

    Tell them you don’t want any letters and you will consider any more of their shit harassment and you will report them to the police.

    JWs will go to the police if you harassment them, so why shouldn’t you.

  3. They tend to be really nice people, I’d just phone the local Kingdom Hall and explain the situation.

  4. Tell them you’re already part of another cult and don’t intend to change. Any further pestering from them will result in police action for harassment. They’ll quickly fuck off.

  5. I have a sign saying ‘no callers without an appointment’, so they knocked the door and asked to make an appointment. Nice try!

  6. I’ve seen people saying that as soon as you tell them you’ve had a disfellowship from them specifically, then they fuck off sharply.

    Disfellowship is where a former member has been excommunicated as such, and JW should shun them.

  7. Are they really that much of a problem? I just politely say “no thank you” and close the door, and junk mail goes in the bin. It’s not like they’ve followed me about or called multiple times a day.

  8. Tell them that you were a member as a child with your parents, then you left. They’re not allowed to talk to apostates, and won’t come round again.

  9. Answer the door in a devil outfit and declare your love for satanism and invite them in for some homebrew and to excuse the blood orgy. Should probably put them off for a bit.

  10. How many letters have you received?

    I had one about a year ago and it just went straight into the recycling bin with the rest of the junk mail I receive.

  11. A burning pentagram in your garden perhaps?

    It’s a letter.. Just bin it like you would any other unsolicited junk mail.

    And if they start knocking on the door again there are two lovely little words, that when spoken with enough venom will ensure they never come back again..

    The second is *OFF* and the first begins with a capital *F*

  12. Baffles me the leeway we give religion, imagine me just dropping letters in random peoples doors ‘come drink my blood wine while I read you lord of the rings PS bring friends’

  13. Just laugh and chuck.

    And if they cone to your door invite them in as its your birthday / bar mitzvah/ day of ritual sacrifice of your 1st born and you want them to join

  14. Ex-Jw here. The letters are due to end in September. They will go back to door to door.

    When they knock – you tell them.

    ‘I am an apostate former JW. Research The Australian Royal Commission on youtube where you will see Geoffery Jackson admit under oath that they are not god’s representatives on Earth. Never contact me again’

    I guarantee they will leave you alone. They are a cult that fears their members wake up – and label anyone shedding light on the organisation as dangerous apostates that shouldn’t be talked to. It’s the only thing they fear.

  15. Another way is to have a notice in a window you are a blood donor! Put a notice on your door that you do not open your door to cold callers, whether they be religious, people collecting for charity etc.

    Or every letter that comes in your door put it in a plain envelope, write their address on it and post it back to them. They will then have to pay postage to find out what they are getting.

  16. My brother in law was raised a JW in America and he left home as a teenager to escape the faith. He told me all about how his family would make him knock on the doors of his classmates on Christmas Day, Thanksgiving, etc.

    When JW knocked at my door, I told them I knew all about their tactics as I had a relative who was raised in the Truth but managed to get away.

    The woman practically covered the ears of the young boy she had brought along with her and they backed away from me like I had covid or something . The Truth is how JW refer to their religion in the States, that word seemed to have some sort of power to it. They’ve never been back since so I guess I’m on a blacklist somewhere – lucky me.

  17. I get the feeling trying to get them to stop would just encourage them. They then know you are getting the letters and are aware of them enough to reach out. There are tips like tell them you are an ex-witness who has been kicked out but I bet they can see through that and it still means dialogue, they may have a standard line to get around it rather than run off scared like people suggest. Take letters and put them in the bin. Get a sign for the door saying “no cold callers” which includes no religious groups. If they do knock, tell them nope and close the door immediately. Do not engage at all.

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