I used to work out regularly, like 5-6 days a week in the weight room, plus walks/hikes. Over the last year and a half or so, I have found it really hard to head to the gym. Any tips would be appreciated, thanks!! Also, anyone got a stretching routine they recommend? I’ve never been flexible, like haven’t been able to touch my toes since grade school (34 now)

  1. When I start feeling unmotivated I like to sign up for a mud run or something like that so then I have a feel obligated to workout.

  2. Its lame advice but bgg I use sticky note reminders for everything.
    Have I eaten today?
    Did I work out?
    Did I remember to feed the dog?
    Got probably a dozen of the things just stuck up around the house.

  3. Honestly, You probably need more rest time from lifting. So you might have just overdone it.

    But generally on days where I don’t really feel like lifting I would just go anyway and maybe do a half-assed job. But it’s important to just go and keep the routine. You can’t rely on motivation. It will fail you. At some point you need to develop will power to make up for lack of motivation.

  4. I feel like a loser when I don’t. Just the other day I had 5 days off in a row and I could really feel myself slipping. After I went I really felt amazing. Came home at 9pm feeling like I just woke up after 8 hours of sleep (which I haven’t had in years).

    Think of why you want to work out. You can probably get away from it for a few months (or years if you went the extra mile in your earlier years) but eventually your body will start slowing down and you’ll get fat. Once you get to that stage you’ll feel as if its impossible to look great again and you’ll give up.

    We can’t let ourselves go

  5. Do you have any specific quantifiable fitness goals? Don’t make working out just a chore

  6. Just go. Seriously. Put on your workout clothes at home, and pack your other clothes in your gym bag. Get in the car, and go to the gym. Don’t think about what you’re going to work on. Don’t think about anything. Just go to the gym. Once you get to the gym, leave your bag in the car, and just go in. Scan in, and jump on the first elliptical or bike you see. Maybe you’ll do a 10 min warmup and feel like lifting weights. Maybe you’ll feel better staying on the elliptical or bike. Maybe there’s a yoga class getting ready to start. It doesn’t matter. You’re there. That’s what’s important.

  7. You have to just make it a habit. Non-negotiable. “At 7AM (or whenever) I go to the gym.” And that’s that. But if you don’t like the gym, then find an alternative. Get some weights and workout at home. Or find an online routine like Athlean X. Don’t force yourself to go somewhere you don’t want to go.

    You just need a few weeks of consistency to get into a good habit and routine. If you like podcasts or audiobooks, save them for when you’re working out. Or, find a gym buddy and meet them there. It’s harder to flake when someone is waiting for you. If budget allows, a personal training package can be really helpful too.

    I did P90x yoga years ago and still do it to this date. Great for flexibility.

  8. I’ve been lifting for 13 years consistently and have definitely had a year or two in there where I was basically forcing myself to go. On those “down” days, I usually just tell myself “get stronger while feeling weak”. Idk if that makes sense to anyone, but it does to me. And that got me through enough, to the point where I wasn’t feeling unmotivated anymore

  9. Get you heart broken. It’s a great motivator.

    That might be a bit unpractical for you so what works for me is remembering why I started, what it means to me. And what my goals are. Also seeing guys with better physiques on ig or yt. Like watching lexx little videos.

    But a huge part of it is beeing disciplined enough to show up even if you don’t feel like it. Noone is motivated all the time.

  10. Yup I’ve been there and the reason I fell off everytime was that I was burnt tf out to the point that just sitting on the couch felt really relaxing. It was also just that I felt like I wasn’t progressing noticeably anymore. What helped me get back to working out was trying something new and setting new goals. Instead of muscle building, I wanted to get strong. Or instead of focusing on lifting, I wanted to focus on being able to run the fastest mile or running for distance. Sometimes I just say “fuck it” and dirty bulk to see how strong I can get.

  11. Discipline. When you feel the most tired, that’s when you put on your gym wear, grab your keys and push yourself as much as you can and you’ll feel great afterwards. It also helps to have a routine with gym time.

  12. I’ve photos of me when I was extremely overweight in my early teens so I look at them and think “do you want to go back to this? No then drop that burger and get your ass to the gym”

  13. I say to myself… “fuck it. There’s a ton of things I don’t want to do, but, they need to be done. I’ll add this to the list and just do it.”

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