What crazy things has love made you do ?

  1. quit my job, pack a suitcase, and fly to Japan on a tourist visa to try and start a new life.

  2. I continued to date him knowing I was going to get disowned and be homeless if my parents found out. Afterwards, once I was homeless, my main concern was him being okay. I should have cared about myself more.

  3. I told this story before. Years ago when out kids were little, there was a big wedding in her family. I, unfortunately could not go. I had a project that had to get done at work and my team and I were going to work all weekend. She ended up going, taking the kids, and rode down with her brother. I was going to be alone from Thursday through Sunday. My team busted their asses and we got everything done late Friday night. I got home and crashed. Got up around 7am to do my morning pee with every intention of going back to sleep but was missing my wife and kids. I got to thinking, if I leave right now, I can be there in time for the reception. So I put on a suit (easier to travel wearing it than packing it) packed a few other things in a bag, and I got in the car and left. On the way, I called my MIL to ask her where the venue was. She laughed and said, “oh, she is going to be so happy and mad at you.” I came walking in to the place and when she saw me she let out a scream that quieted the place. She full ran across the room and jumped into my arms. So yeah…….I drove 8 hours to see my wife on an Saturday evening when she would”‘ve been home Sunday evening. Love and affection…..makes you do funny things

  4. I once got so nervous when I asked a girl out over text (lame, I know) that I went for an 11 mile jog just to distract myself and burn off nervous energy. To this day I think that’s the farthest I’ve ever run.

  5. Flew 800 miles roundtrip every 1-2 months, including 1-2 hour car/bus trips on each end, just to be with her. She was my first love, and I was head over heels for her, would walk the earth for her, would take a bullet for her, etc. etc…y’know, the usual first love stuff lol.

  6. Get myself into incredible debt by renting an apartment from an estate agents and being the sole wage earner for her and her young kid which wasn’t mine as I didn’t want her being homeless after her landlord of the privately owned flat she had gave her a month to move out just before christmas, we were 3 months into the relationship and it did nothing to improve the relationship a d didn’t end well

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