My social and professional life has been a disaster. I have bad social anxiety and life tragedies made it almost impossible to focus on bettering myself.

After almost 6 months of intense depression trying to find a job, starting my workout journey and removing my online presence i can finally say im in a better place.

Things started to shift for me this summer, i applied to hundreds of jobs, found shitty ones. Until i got an email for a job offer i didn’t think i would even get looked at for.

Went for a in person interview, i was stressed out of my mind. But i took my time answering the questions and she seemed really pleased with my experience and resume.

I got the job.

But something dawned on me. I’ve never reached this ”level” in my life yet.
Ive never been fit, have a good job that i like and a decent social life at the same time.
Im not used to good things, and although i don’t think I’ll self sabotage, i think i may make irreparable mistakes at my new work and i REALLY want to keep it.

This is where i need you guys help, please tell me what NOT to do when you have a job you like with growth potential in the futur.

  1. Be very aware of smells. Don’t wear perfume or cologne. Don’t bring anything stinky for lunch. Don’t cook eggs, fish, or popcorn in the microwave. If you really want seafood for lunch, you have to eat it cold.

  2. If you’re worried about what NOT to do, that’s exactly the opposite mindset of what you need to have. Instead you need to go in there with the idea that you’re bringing GOOD THINGS to people. Have a smile on your face, energy in your step, confidence in your aura. Be the person who says hello to everyone, has a kind word, asks how people are, lights up a big smile when you see someone for the first time that day.

    You don’t need to have any fascinating info to share (honestly, just little bits of news or things you’ve noticed during the day are plenty ”traffic was CRAZY this morning!”). It isn’t WHAT you say that matters, it’s HOW you say it.

    Have some passion for: yourself, the other person, LIFE ITSELF. People connect more on positive emotion than they do on the words themselves. So find a way to be enthusiastic about your job, your life, the people around you.

    Don’t wait for people to accept you. Get out there and BE the one to be warm and welcoming TO THEM.

    Maybe be the person who brings in a snack for everyone to eat once a month. (bagels? doughnuts? sandwich platter?)

    Be pro-active and be positive. That same voice you use when you talk to dogs? Use THAT voice. Your smile should include your eyes, not just your mouth.

    This is your chance to hit it out of the park. Get out there and do it! The past is the past. Your future is NOW.

    Good luck!

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