I tried the meetups, I tried new hobbies, I make new friends, but they’re all surface level! I try so hard to put in an effort and put myself out there and make plans with friends to try and deepen the connections but it seems to always feel one sided. Not to mention it sucks i live in a suburb of houston so there isn’t much to do out here. Am I alone in this? I hate the weekends because I feel like everyone is out doing something fun with their friends while to me it feels like wasted effort. None of the friends reach out to hang out or invite me and when i take the initiative they have “other” plans.

I’m about to get a new job in a more remote location and I’m afraid it’s going to make my situation even worse. I’m just not a solo kind of person.

Any advice? Any comforting words? Anyone relate to this?

  1. I relate to this 100%. Every friendship I’ve tried to make as an adult doesn’t work out. I put myself out there, I go out to things, I try and ve more outgoing but in the end it always ends the same as being very surface level. At this point I wouldn’t say that I have fave up, but I’m not trying anything. If someone wants to hang out with me and be good friends then I’m all for it. But to many times have I tried and eventually got left behind for me to keep putting energy into something. I just do things that I really enjoy on my own and I’m happy.

  2. You’re not alone, and that’s what’s so frustrating. Unfortunately, I don’t have any useful advice. People are more closed off these days; they stay in their preexisting friend groups, and there are fewer places to meet new people in any relaxed settings.

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