When we started texting he was talking normally and he was actually putting efford.He also double texted me if I had left him on read accidentally.

We have met up 4 times and had sex the 3 of them .After our first time meeting he was more dry through text.I thought that he didn’t like me but he asked me almost every day to hang out so that doesn’t make sense to me.

The first time that we hang out we both had a great time and I could feel that we had chemistry.Ever since,every time we meet he gets colder and colder with me and I don’t know why.If he actually doesn’t like me then why does he have sex with me again and again.

I have been on many dates but I haven’t felt that chemistry since my ex boyfriend I am currently feeling like my mind is stuck with him.I feel terrible that I want exclusiveness from someone that only wants my body.

I don’t know what I did wrong to make him distant.I am not crazy.I felt something between us on the first date and I know he felt it too that we had chemistry.

It is just so hard to see someone as a “booty call” when you have a great time with them except sex.

I feel like my feelings are getting hurt

  1. It may just be his personality coming out after an initial sexual obsession.

    Rather than obsessing and assuming, ask

  2. Maybe he is looking for a fwb and you’re looking for more?

    Anyways, the best thing is ask him about it.

  3. You didn’t do anything wrong. Seems like he was just interested in sex from the beginning. Both of your interests may not have lined up like it seemed. Which is fine. We all misread situations. He obviously wants to keep having sex with you, (he probably doesn’t get it anywhere else) it sucks but, ball’s in your court. You can confront him about it. Be honest, I would.

  4. Time to move on.

    You did NOTHING WRONG! He’s just not looking for exclusivity or monogamy. But, he gets horny and will have sex with you. Sex, is a healthy thing.

    If you want something more permanent, where feelings are encouraged…try a dating site that is expressly for…Dating. Rather than a hook-up app.

    Relationships are hard. Sadly, you will have to sort through a bunch of humans that want sex toys instead of partners. It requires diligence, boundaries and knowing when to move on because there isn’t anything else on the other person’s side. Simply that you have fun with them isn’t enough of a foundation for a relationship. They are likely a fun person. They have fun with other people as well.(Friends, family and yes, other lovers!)

    Start focusing on people that are interested in you as a person. – They want to know about you. They can identify the things you enjoy after a few dates. They talk with you rather that at you. etc.

  5. It appears that you may want more from this relationship than he does. But it is best to ask him where he sees it going. See what he says. From what you have said, it seems like you are not into casual sex and fwb arrangements. You have the absolute right to know where he sees your relationship going.

  6. You definitely should trust your guts. If you suspect that he’s not interested in anything more than sex, then he probably isn’t. However, I understand that situation like this would not give you a closure, and you definitely want an actual yes/no answer despite you might have figured it out already. So, definitely ask him about it – whether through texts or in-face depending on whichever you’re more comfortable with – and casually bring it up something like “hey, actually I like spending time with you and I feel we have great chemistry, would you like to go on a date with me sometime? ” No need to be overdramatic or shy or anything, just be genuine, chill yet warm. And his reaction would tell you everything you are overthinking right now. Hope this helps!


    Source: Been there before. I wish I could overcome the fear of rejection or let go of my ego when I defeinitely needed to.

  7. Honestly, as someone who is a female and is 26 and only looks for FWB, I would pull back. Leave him on read. Dont text him first. See how he acts when you create distance too, you’ll have your answer.

    Either he will keep pursuing you to hang out, and you just **purely** hang out with him.
    Or he will pursue you to hook up.
    You’ll know his intentions.

  8. I’d end things before your feelings deepen. He wants sex. You want a relationship. Different goals here so, I’d say move on.

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