Im 26 and I still live at home with my parents. I have a job as an associate art director and I’m starting a WEBTOON comic in hopes to gain more money. I live in nyc and everything is super expensive here. Lately I been getting a lot of pressure from my father side of the family to move out with my bf and have kids. I would love for the to happen, except it’s been really hard saving up, and I been in between jobs. My dad side of the family had a lot of money tho, but yet my dad always taught me to work for yourself to achieve your goals.
I love my dad, but he could easily help me by sending me some money to get started.

What should I do?

  1. It’s your dad, and if you two have a good relationship he’ll probably not kick you out even if you ask outright for a couple million. He might get mad for a few days, but that’s it.

    That said, if you’re asking for more than a one-time assistance of a few thousand bucks, I wouldn’t do it as a matter of principle.

    Best thing to do in my opinion is to just ask him for advice and make a plan together on how you can move out with the resources you have within a certain timeframe, and he might offer to fill in some gaps. Or, you make that plan yourself and show him before you ask for his help. Just show that you’ve put a lot of time into planning this and aren’t just going to waste the money.

  2. i now regret not taking my dad’s offer to pay my rent because I wanted to be independent or work for it or whatever lmao so I say just ask him

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