I believe that men are way more sentimental than they appear at first. As in, you care about a lot of things too, and probably way deeper than any womem could ever.

So, what’s that one thing you are really bounded to?

  1. I have 2, a ancient looking small coffee cup and a rifle.

    My Dad gave me his hunting rifle about a month before he passed. Its nothing special or valuable really, just an old Enfield he bought for $20 back in the 60’s. But I’ll never be parted from it. Everytime i use it or even look at it i remember the countless hours we spent together and everything he taught me about game, hunting and nature in general.

    The coffee cup was also his. Its stained, chipped and the glazing has numerous fine cracks from him using it so much over so many years. I have it in my home office on my bookshelf.

  2. Video games. Was a huge coping mechanism growing up now it’s just for fun as an adult. Brings joy and passion to a cruel world.
    I’ll obviously cut down on video games a bit when I get into a relationship but even then I rather just stay at home rather than go out and booze up

  3. Literally nothing. My house and all it’s contents could burn down today and I would feel nothing.

  4. My Fisher Price Happy Apple. It’s the one thing I kept from childhood, chosen because it is virtually indestructible. I look at it on the shelf when I need to remind myself that buried deep inside this polluted husk of a soul, is a little boy who loved the gently tinkling chimes of a manic-looking plastic fruit.

  5. There not a single item that I would miss seriously our couldn’t just be replaced. The closest thing would be my cat, but I don’t really think of him as an object.

  6. My hard drive. I don’t hold onto physical objects. Any of them. I DO, however, value photos and memories.

    Because of that, I take a lot of pictures and place them in storage, then dispose of the physical object. If my hard drive died, I’d lose my shit

  7. My old car. I spent the best years of my childhood building it with my dad (we didn’t have much in common, and this was kind of the one thing we could bond over). I wouldn’t take a million dollars for it.

  8. Two Things. The Hat that I have worn since the 5th grade (Known as Mr. hat) and my vintage car that I have spent too much time on. Either once can be replaced very easily but if replaced it will never be the same.

  9. The necronomicon…

    Ever since the incident at miscatonic university, me and my colleagues vowed to destroy any original copy by the mad arab abdul alhazred to prevent the outer god to ever glimpse into our existential plane again. I keep mine as cross reference to confirm authenticity of the copies i come across in my travels.

    It will be cremated along with me when i pass.

  10. I have an old coin I carry with me. I’m a hobby collector and years ago when we were moving one of my boxes broke and coins went everywhere. I picked them all up, or so I thought and went on our way. After the final sweep before leaving the apartment I found one coin I had missed and threw in my pocket. I forgot I had done that and found it in my jeans days later, it even went through the wash. I decided just to keep carrying it and do to this day.

  11. A chain my uncle gave me 6 years ago. I never take it off except to clean and shine it up.

  12. I used to love my teddy bear which I had from childhood, it was the oldest possession I ever had and a lot if memories were connected to it. My dad forced me to throw it away because I’m a grown up now 🙁

    He’s the one who got it for me and also took it from me.

  13. my flashdrive had it for 3 years and holds many many things. my music collection, pictures, schoolwork, videos about my school collected over years. i always have it near me

  14. Trying like hell to hang on to my dad’s 2002 Toyota Tacoma. I have zero mechanical skills and she’s getting expensive to keep. Also battling rust. The last time I saw my dad when he was coherent, I helped him downstairs to see it and he said take care of my truck. He passed 2 months later from cancer.

  15. My Bible that my grandfather gave me and the gun my dad learned how to shoot with.

  16. My shitty old bike which I got two years ago for $125. I have put all of like $6 of parts into it and have slowly but finally learned how to maintain all of it. Now all I need to do is replace those spokes which got kicked out.

  17. There is no such object. “One who cannot cast away a treasure at need is in fetters.”

  18. My teddy lol I’m 21 but that toy has been with me my entire life, from when I was in pain from 3 to all my suffering of my teenage years. I love that fluffy toy.

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