Women who married young, how is it going? (or how did it go?)

  1. It’s great. I’ve been with my high school sweetheart for 17 years now. We’re still going strong. Watching a lot of our peers’ relationships crumble or explode around us, but we’re good. We have our tough spots, but we work through them together.

  2. I got married when I was almost 20 because I was pregnant. We literally got married to get me on his health insurance. Before anyone says anything I’m extremely pro choice and chose to have my daughter, we wish we would’ve waited on everything but it happened and we made the choices we made. 15 years later we are still happily married had another kid when our daughter was 6. Neither of us recommend doing things our way we very much discourage it to everyone because we always say we got lucky the statistics were stacked against us lol 🤣.

  3. Married 4 years ago at 22, currently separated and talking through our divorce plans. Based on my own personal experience, I wouldn’t encourage anyone to get married in their twenties.

  4. My aunt and uncle got married at 19, and 20, my parents got married at 20 and 21, both of the marriages are going strong but neither of them recommend repeating what they did especially right now (we recently all talked because I am 19 almost 20)

  5. I got married at 22; I’d known my husband since I was sixteen. We’ll celebrate our eighteenth anniversary this October. We experienced A LOT of hardship in the first few years of our relationship: NICU babies, miscarriage, loss of my sister, parents’ divorce, loss of grandparents, etc., that forced us to bond in a way that most couples don’t experience so early in life. I fully credit those times with our ability to weather any storm that comes our way now. We are readily able to weed through disagreements that really matter and let the bullshit life throws at us fall away.

  6. 1st baby at 21, married at 22. Still going strong at 28 years. He’s my best friend.

  7. Married Australian who cheated on me then charged me with kidnapping our kids he got full custody fucked up my life as now I have a felony record which they said was cleared is BS they can still see its on my record my kids occasionally speak to me via email or messenger so yeah fuck marriage

  8. Engaged at 19 married at 20. Headed to Europe (again) for our 20th anniversary next month. Doesn’t work for everyone but it’s fabulous for us. Everyone told us that we would miss out on life but instead I do everything I want but with my best friend. Plus a bonus now we have plenty of money to do it. It all depends on how you support each other. I have an incredibly successful small business and he has an engineering degree with two masters.

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