Women who aspire to be like a certain someone, who’s that someone and why do you aspire to be like them?

  1. B’Elanna Torres from Star Trek Voyager. Also Seven of Nine from Star Trek Voyager.

    They’re so cool, smart, bold, confident, and respectable.

    I actually went into engineering because B’Elanna inspired me

  2. Astrid from the How To Train Your Dragon series. Smart, kind, competent, supportive and absolutely going to chop your head off if you don’t show her the respect she deserves.

  3. An old friend of mine. I just never met someone who has her shit as together as her. She just does so much stuff and I don’t understand how it works because 10% of her day would make me tired. Like right now she volunteers for three different organisations, she’s just finishing her phd, she works in freaking cancer research, she exercises every day, goes hiking every weekend, travels a lot and she has a very active social life. I work from home in a cushy office job where I watch tv half the time, just got food delivered from the restaurant 3 minutes away and haven’t seen another person all week because I didn’t feel up to social interaction.

  4. I love who I am. I try very hard to be a good person who my kids admire. I don’t think I’d ever want to be anybody else. I am enough for me. I do admire Michelle Obama though. I think she is an amazing person. She followed her dream. Worked hard for everything she has. Has used her life to do great things. Truly cares about others. I just think she is somebody that our young women should emulate. If we were all like her our world would be a fantastic place.

  5. My mom. Lived with chronic pain and fought cancer for years to the very end and was the absolute bravest person I knew. Had hard morals but the softest heart. Total realist with the greatest sense of humor – the shit that would come out of her mouth continues to be legendary! Fiercely independent but always gave a helping hand to anyone who needed it. She was the most encouraging and comforting person to have around, despite the many struggles she had. Loved her kids more than her own life. Just an all-around, A+ woman.

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