What’s the craziest thing you’ve seen while driving?

  1. Saw “lane splitting” by a motorcycle in Michigan at like 90 or 110 mph. Absolutely nuts

  2. Tiny cars with big trailers attached i always take pic because it’s funny to me and SO bad for the car. I see this a lot in Florida for some reason lol 🤣.

  3. I was waiting at a stoplight. Some people were at the bus stop several yards away. A guy, who was an obvious meth addict, pulled a knife and was threatening a woman. She beat the shit out of him.

  4. A couple having sex in a dinghy on the lake as I drove by. I hope they wore sun block 🤭

  5. we were on the autobahn. there was a huge truck in front of us and it very suddenly seerved to the right out of nowhere. luckily, it didn’t hit the curb but the driver stopped on the side of the road immediately. we did too. like a miracle, he was completely fine, but said his truck did it on its own. it had a lane correction feature and steered when it absolutely shouldn’t have.

    same thing happened to a friend who unfollowed had a pretty bad crash at 160km/h due to that. he’s a fuckin car salesman for that brand and an experienced race driver.

    it’s insane how easily this happens.

  6. A lady reading a book driving down 275 which we call the autobahn of Michigan. Literally if you go the posted speed limit in the slow lane they honk at you & flip you off. She was flying down the freeway book resting on her steering wheel reading away. I got far away from her. How stupid can you be?

  7. I work in the city and I drive thru an area that’s infamous for rampant drug use. I’ve seen a guy start a fire on the side of the road and all of us were just parked at the red light watching him. I’ve also seen people passed out with needles still in their arms, people fighting over piles of trash and this guy eating his finger

  8. this isnt really crazy, but once i was asleep in the back seat of my moms car and i woke up and when i looked out the window, the queen of England’s face was staring back at me. the car next to us had a full sized headshot sticker of the queen on their window.

  9. Queen mattress came off the truck in front of me on a super way. Was lucky no car in the lane next to me as I swerved without even checking.

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