Obviously I don’t believe him, even though most of them were during working hours and most were from her, some were on his off days and some even as late as midnight or as early as 4am. There were other things that put my suspicions on this girl in particular but what’s worse is he didn’t even try to apologize. Just said I’m the reason he deletes them because he knows I’ll freak out, but there aren’t any deleted texts/calls from other girls in his phone that he works with to my knowledge. And he straight up lied, telling people I can go in his phone anytime because he doesn’t have anything to hide, obviously because it’s all been deleted and I’ll never get the full truth.
He still thinks he did nothing wrong and even though I don’t have proof of a physical affair, all the sneaking & lying makes me feel like it could have very well been or turning into an emotional one, and I can’t accept that. I think he has his family and coworkers on his side as well, in his ear telling him I’m in the wrong and what a catch he is, & I mainly keep things to myself and have no friends or family in this state. I guess I’m just looking for advice on how to navigate this situation & not feel so alone until I can move closer to my family because we still have to coparent for the time being.

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