I’ve used this for a while now where you find out whats missing in their life and then give it to them. Its usually something pretty basic and easy to figure out like a genuine connection, a therapist, etc. This new girl I’ve been talking to for a while is great. But I cant really figure out what she needs/wants in a relationship. The only place I can really start at is I know she has a bad relationship with her mom but that’s it. Besides just being a good boyfriend is there any “role” you think would be beneficial for me to play? I asked her a while back and it was the basic “just someone whos not toxic and good for me” but I’m trying to find something more deep that I can be. Thoughts?

  1. well, i think instead of looking it like that, why don’t you guys try to connect over something?

    that way, you can learn about each other, go through the process together… like a genuine bonding! obviously she doesn’t know exactly what she is looking for, and that’s totally fine. i think growing together, finding hobbies, likes and dislikes together, doing activities together would definitely broaden you guys’ relationship and get closer.

    I understand you want to make her happy and everything, but don’t think as a “role”, think of it as two people growing and getting to know each other.

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