EDIT: UPDATED PROFILE: [Photo Album Link](https://imgur.com/a/RzWolqJ)

Initial Profile: [Photo Album Link](https://imgur.com/a/0MZpmdx)

Just signed up for Hinge and Bumble after a long hiatus from the dating app game. I’ve been single since before Covid but now things are getting back to normal, am wanting to put myself out there again.

Looking for my next BFF-turned-hopefully LTR!

Profile: East Coast US-based, 6’1, Straight, Open to children, Vaccinated, Drinking Yes, Smoking No, Drugs No.

Verbal Clip:

– *”I think I’m ready to settle down with someone who will cuddle with me, love me, and take care of me…. So basically I need a dog!”* [sarcasm]

Pics Captions:

– Caught in the act: Feeling cute may delete later
– My good side: Sadly my cousin’s dog but love using Fluffy Toshie as my pillow
– Me in the wild: Stop taking pics of hot guys in the subway you freaking weirdo!
– EDIT: ~~This could be us: For the record those are my BFF’s~~ I’m known for: Mastering the art of impromptu toasts
– Woke up like this: MySpace Angle
– My life peaked when: I am very socially and professionally motivated. I fight for what I believe in!


– Hoping my profile comes off as genuine with a sense of optimism and humor

– Thoughts: **Yay or Nay to the beach shirtless photo?** I do want to show I take care of my health and like to stay fit, but can replace with another social event if too conceited/narcissistic!

Feedback and constructive advice is appreciated. Thank you!

EDIT: *Made a revised profile based off your all’s advice. See above link to updated album. Thoughts? Thanks again!*

  1. good profile! would replace one of the prompts (probably 2nd or 3rd with something more fun/casual/weird/whatever fits for the real you, less of the typical catch phrases like communication, adventure, etc.)

  2. You’re clearly very good looking. Profile seems okay but I’d shorten the answers to the prompts a little bit. I think you’re cramping too much info in there. Good luck!

  3. I’d take out the shirtless photo. I have never swiped or chatted with someone who has a shirtless photo. Just my take.

  4. I’d be worried about the personality of someone self-described as perfect.

    That said I don’t think you’ll have any issues finding success on the apps.

  5. The “this could be us” photo makes it seem like you are standing next to your ex and you are suggesting that she’s replaced by someone else. Either change the prompt or the photo so there is no misunderstanding.

  6. I think it’s a really good profile. Great pics and the shirtless one is fine since it’s in a appropriate setting.

    I would recommend switching out the resume prompt. It’s just a list of words and I think you could replace with something more unique/personal to you.

  7. Take out the shirtless photo and the subway photo. Take out the entire résumé prompt replace it with another prompt entirely. No one believes how you describe yourself. They will find out for themselves. Also mystery is sexy. If your chat game is strong you’ll come across as all those things without having to tell someone

  8. You’re very attractive and I like your profile. I would swipe right. But I agree with others that the caption “it could be us” makes it seem like it’s a picture with your ex and you’re trying to replace her

  9. Remove the upper body/group picture if you have serious intentions. You attract the wrong type of attention like this.

    If you want to show your healthy habits, ask a friend to take a picture of you in jogging gear or something.

    Hallmarks of good relationship is maybe a bit too much but not necessarily wrong imo. Other than that, the profile looks good. Keep up the good work.

  10. Pros: you’re good-looking, tall, and have a career and interests outside of it.

    Cons: I think the prompts could use more work. The “hallmarks” one is a little redundant to the resume one. I would swap out the group pic for a different one, the subway pic shows your jawline well but your crossed arms gives off a closed impression, and for the beach one, if your intent is to show off that you’re fit, I think you can capture that better with a shirt on, like a more fitted shirt.

    If you’re in NYC, I’d match 🙂

  11. “words of affirmation and physical touch” is as cliched as it gets on the app

  12. If I was on hinge in your area I would match!

    I think it’s a great & genuine profile. I think the only thing I’d recommend adjusting is the “this could be us” caption. It can be misleading with what you mean. You could just say “my ride or die tribe that you’ll have to meet!” That way it’s clear you all are friends instead of a double date.

  13. Overall l, good profile. I (35F) would probably like/swipe right if I saw it. I don’t think the beach photo is an issue. I agree with some of the other comments that it could be a little stronger if you replace the resume prompt with something that has a little more of your unique personality.

  14. From your profile u off as a very well put together guy. with a good humor, and who’s spontaneous/enthusiastic about life!

  15. Updated profile is great, just take “Yeah” out if “Yeah ask me about that one time…” it sounds a little douchy.

  16. Honestly… I think your cute, and obviously have your life together… but I’d probably swipe left because without the background you’ve given here on Reddit your sarcasm comes across to me as a little arrogant and aloof.

    I’d balance this out by having one prompt with a genuine answer… show there’s more to you than witty one liners!

  17. I’m very fluent in sarcasm, but the ‘perfect’ bit kinda made me roll my eyes a bit. Ironically enough everything EXCEPT that was actually perfect. 🥴

    You’re gonna do great, so you don’t need luck! 🤗

  18. I personally always swipe left on pics of guys topless. We can tell you have a great bod from the other pics, you are tall and handsome. The shirtless pic just comes across as a bit unnecessary and ‘extra’ to me. Also if I match with a guy on hinge and end up dating them seriously, I would cringe at the thought they had advertised themselves topless.

  19. You need to grow a deeper beard, thicken your brows and just broaden your body.

    There are minor medical interventions that may out you in a completely different realm. You look good already, but can look hot.

    Wow, great job taking care of yourself, and do more. Good luck.

  20. I don’t see much of an improvement in this profile. Pic review for revised:

    1. Good but needs some cropping so you are bigger on the phone. Also the sun is a little bright. The blurred background makes it look to staged and over-polished.
    2. I’m not sure you sleeping is a hot look.
    3. Good, but the subway background is a little depressing and its a little dark.
    4. Bad, bad, bad. You don’t look good. The way you are touching those people looks creepy and like you barged into that conversation.
    5. Good. Without glasses would have been better.
    6. Good. But you never mention what this is for.


    My Love Language is: Just too self-helpy. Make it funny and fun instead.

    I’ll introduce you to my family if: Most people aren’t fluent in hosting loud parties.

    Best Travel Story: Nobody remembers Hanover 2 because its an unfunny borderline racist movie.

  21. I love that you included your MBTI! I’m ENTJ and an Aries too! Good luck finding love! 💛

  22. You should not have trouble dating. You are attractive, your photos are good. Though I would suggest to be open to dating folks from all ethnicity.

    Just cut down on the sarcasm, because so many people are bad at it

  23. Dang, I really wish you lived in my area, haha. I’d sprain my finger swiping right on this one.

  24. Def get rid of that shirtless pic. We already know u got a good bod judging by the metro pic.

  25. Straight 31F here and how do I say this without offending you or anyone else reading this? Your pictures are great, no doubt a good looking dude who dresses well. That’s also a double-edged sword. If I didn’t see you put “straight” in your profile, I would’ve thought otherwise due to the pictures alone.

  26. Not sure if anyone mentioned this, but your voice prompt would make me swipe left. Probably not a great opener to tell a woman she’s interchangeable with a dog and list out all the ways you expect her to serve you lol

  27. You’re very handsome!

    Regarding the beach photo – I say yay conceptually. Fitness is important to me in a mate, so I appreciate a photo that clearly illustrates this. However, the filter on that photo looks to be “Instagram circa 2013” and genuinely makes me wonder if the photo is recent, because I just don’t see that style of filter getting heavy use in the 2020s. If the photo is recent, do you have an unfiltered version to communicate that better?

  28. Hey brother! Hard to give feedback with this format. I did not really get if you are after males or females here. No intent to disrespect, i’m not a native.

    That being said, i think you do a little too much here. It is good to try to use reduced number of pics (3-4 if possilbe), not possible on Hinge though. Dont abuse prompts etc.

    **Pics**: Avoid pics with other people first. THey are only good if they really make you shine! The diner one for instacne is pretty good, but the background isnt great.

    Also, careful with the lighting! Some are pretty dark (the tube one).

    **Pet**: would be way better to see you play with it outside, too cheap like that. Swearing: mask is ugly.

    Great shape at the beach, but more movement in the pic would be nice.

    **Bio:** Dont be desperate. Maybe thats your vibe, but i would say its better to say you wan to cuddle someone rather than wait for you to be cuddled.

    Go checkout this [profile review website](https://roast.dating/) if you want a detailed pic by pic review. Helps a lot!

    Other than that you should have a SOLID profile! If you dont get enough likes, it may be because of a flaw in your algorithm ranking. Easy to fix too!


  29. The only thing i didn’t really love was you going into your myers-briggs type. It’s going to have zero meaning for a lot of people and put off the people who don’t feel strongly about it.

    Edit: as for the beach photo (i have one too) Just be sure that that is the shape you are actually in when you go on dates.

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