My bf (22 M) of 5 years doesn’t really want to have sex with me (21 F) much anymore. And even when it does it’s usually not when we are at home.

For example, he usually don’t feel up to it when we are home. Says it’s too much work or he’s too tired. We hardly have sex, maybe a few times a month. I’m constantly asking but I feel bad when he finally gives in, so I’ve quit asking (more or less begging).

We went camping recently with my family and he all of a sudden wanted to have sex and try things. But still pretty vanilla. It was so weird because he’s never wanted to do things that much. Except for when we first started dating in high school.

Him and I haven’t always agrees about sex. In the beginning of our relationship, he constantly wanted to do things while I was still healing from my previous relationship and wasn’t into it all that. Eventually I came around, but by that point he seemed over it.

He doesn’t seem to want me much anymore. He claims it’s not me, or that he just doesn’t want to. Yet he masterbates atleats once a day. If not, more than once a day to porn. It’s starting to frustrate me because he literally jerks off everyday but it’s too much for me to jerk him off or have sex. I’m not sure, but I’m thinking he’s addicted to porn.

He never seems to want ‘em to have sex anymore unless we are somewhere else. Has anyone else experienced this? Or have any opinion or solutions?

  1. You’re 21 in an almost dead bed marriage. You shouldn’t need to be begging for sex.

    Pretend you’re an overrated Jordan Peele movie and get out.

  2. He may have an other house fetish. But he may also like to do it in the back seat of a car. Or even in the garage. You might even try putting the tent in your backyard.

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