(Especially women who are single and live alone) How do you feel about people knowing where you live; friends, coworkers, men, etc.?

  1. I’ll only let friends and family know if I live alone. I wouldn’t be very comfortable sharing it with a lot of people

  2. Only close friends and family have my address, co-workers don’t need to know where I live and neither do random men

  3. I live in a very small rural town so everyone knows where I live and there would be zero ways to prevent that even if I was uncomfortable.

  4. On the internet, not so happy about it if I don’t know the. And talked with them for ages and so on.

    Irl couldn’t care less because live in small village so everyone knows me alredy and in the county we semifamous so that is a thing too that ppl know where I live.

  5. We live in a village pop. Under 1,000.

    It’s nice and quiet – century homes and large(ish) yards. There’s one road in and one road out – if you don’t live here or aren’t invited… the likelihood of landing here is very low.

    That said, somehow one of our customers employees (who he sends to handle his account with us) says he “heard” where we lived – and showed up here, unannounced at around 9:00 pm – scared the sheet out of me when he walked up the driveway into our back yard and I was in my hot tub (naked) 😳 I yelled at him to GTF away and he persisted that he wanted to talk to my husband – this MF’er wanted to “borrow” some money for an R/X.

    The fn nerve of this jackass !

    Because we own a local business and are coming up on 31 yrs – we know a lot of people. And our trucks are easily identifiable so if anyone hears the name of our town – finding us is simple, a 5yr old could figure it out.

    So, now we use a cover story so we don’t get anymore unwanted visitors. My thinking is this, “if I wanted you at our home, I’d invite you”

    The odd guy(s) that my husband hires (the arborist, the driveway/yard guys) that are legit supposed to be here – well, if they show up and I’m home alone – I go on high alert because we are so secluded…. It’s VERY VERY ODD for someone to just show up unexpectedly and knock on our door.

  6. A lot of my coworkers know roughly where I live because it comes up in conversation. All of my irl friends know where I live because it would be super weird if they didn’t? I’m not a misandrist so idc if someone who knows is a man. If someone wanted to find out for nefarious reasons, I’m sure they would easily find a way anyway.

  7. Friends, fine; most of my family, fine; neighbours obviously can’t avoid anyway. Other acquaintances, colleagues etc., unless there’s a particular reason, generally I probably wouldn’t hugely object but also wouldn’t find it necessary. Total strangers, without very urgent reason, no.

  8. When I lived alone I was more worried. I have an enormous wall of a husband who is a good deterrent now.

  9. Only my closest friends and family know where I live. I don’t live alone but still, I don’t like people knowing where I live, it’s my safe space

  10. I got stalked several years back. I literally tell people a different town now if they aren’t someone I’m close to.

  11. Friends, fine. Some coworkers, also fine. Everyone else, nah.

    It was one of the things I worried about when I started dating again after my last relationship ended. Meeting people in public is scary, but I didn’t want to go to a stranger’s house, and I definitely didn’t want to invite strangers into my place.

  12. When I lived in an apartment building I didn’t even walk into my apartment unless I was alone in the hallway. I was 19 and lived alone and am 110 pounds. I can’t risk anythingggggggggggggggg. I’ve had men follow me from place to place before to “ask me out” after I was at the first place. Now I drive around a bit before I go home.

  13. Up until I went to college I let everyone on SC know where I was 24/7. After I got to know some college dudes, I disabled my location sharing in SC. Several dudes in college got aggressive when I said no to them.

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