So I was making out with a girl and while sucking her boobs, I lightly pressed it with my teeth & it came off. I didn’t even apply much pressure. I totally freaked out as I’ve never seen this happening (I’ve only been with 4 girls so maybe I don’t know enough). Even her areolas’ tiny bumps were coming off easily.

Is this normal? Will her nipples grow back??

The girl didn’t even comment on it or seem concerned. And I also decided not to discuss with her as I was super freaked out already.

Edit: okay so apparently nobody’s believing it. She probably has some disease & I was expecting some knowledgeable person to reply (as I couldn’t find anything on Google). If you don’t know about it, stop with your “YoU cAn’T bItE nIpPlEs”

  1. this isn’t even good trolling– this just comes across as laughably stupid. good trolling is believable but outrageous.

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