Hi, I(22M) based in Europe (Poland). I do not consider myself a social person. I have a group of good friends from high school, but we don’t meet often as we are studying im different cities. Now I am at third year at my University and I am also working in IT full time. I mostly hang out with my girlfriend and flatmates. I do not have a group of friends in the city I study. I think it’s mainly because of three factors: pandemic, working full time and also lack of initiative from me during this three years.

I wanted to open up to people a little bit, so I decided I’ll be volunteering on a music festival near me, it’s one of the biggest in Poland. I believe it is a good place to make casual friends, but I am also have a lot of insecurities about being the weirdo that mostly spend time alone on the festival.

I am trying to have no expectations and just be kind to people. I do not have 100% control, I don’t know whether I will fit in some group and make friends. I like live music, so I should have good time, but I also think that common interests (music) and working together will be good startpoint for starting some relations with others.

If you have any tip for(or you have been in similar situation), I will be really grateful for any advice. If you don’t have such, just have a good day stranger

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