Hello I’m a 26M and my is a 24F.

I was with my ex for 4 years. First year was awesome but the next 3 sucked. To keep it short she would not help out financially, I took the weight of all the bills (mind you I make 40K after taxes). While she just worked part time for herself.

I got into a bunch of debt that most of it was hers. I had to pay of like 22K in credit card debt. I wiped out 15K of savings I had before I met her.

She would also constantly accuse me of cheating without any proof.

Long story short I was a dumb kid and stayed in a toxic relationship for too long. I dropped out of college, got stuck in a dead end job to pay for my debt and bills, and did nothing with my life. 4 years down the freaking drain.

Tldr: Now at 26 I’m starting from zero and feel so bitter. I have forgotten most of what I learned in college. Still at my stupid low level job, and have like 3K in savings. I feel like such a loser. Meanwhile my ex is having the time of her life. Partying with friends like nothing happened. How do I stop feeling so depressed and bitter and start fixing my life? I hate how she got off without a scratch. Meanwhile I’m at the lowest point of my life.

  1. You think she got off without a scratch… though that’s just on the outside.

    Just keep your head up and do your best everyday, things will look up.

  2. I feel you my guy, at first i thought im reading my own story. Im currently going through something similar, i was with my Ex for 5 Years. I need to start from 0 aswell. Currently im going to therapy and take antidepressants to get through the day. Continue on and life wile hopefully get better. You can do it just dont let your head down!

  3. Dude I lived this in exact scenario.

    I’m 35 with a wife, 2 kids, and a college degree that took me many hard years to finally get.

    It’s all what you decide to do at this moment. Because you’ll be 36 and working in the same factory before you know it.

    Move to a new town or something if you can. Start taking a class or two at time from community colleges while you work.

    And then start enjoying life.

    You’re fucking 26, not 56. You thought with your dick for 4 years. Learn from it and start doing things you enjoy.

    I literally just told my wife today that years like 20 – 23 were completely wasted for me.

    I enjoyed the later half of my 20’s a ton though just accomplishing goals and doing what I wanted to do.

  4. Almost three years (and who knows how much money) wasted on someone who didn’t really care about me. Chalk it up to a hard learned lesson, and never make the same mistake again. Find whatever you want to do in life – not only as a carreer, but as your pesonal crusade – and focus on that. Make time for your hobbies and close friends/family. Don’t waste your time thinking about her – she doesn’t matter. And be aware that, when her life goes south, she may be back; don’t let her even put a foot on the door.

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