I want the best for the people I care about, and if I feel they are at risk of hurting themselves or others unnecessarily (or have already) or getting off track from their goals I feel the need to communicate my concern. I’m not very good at it, but it is SO much better than the passive, spineless enabling I did as a people pleaser before.

How do I do this while being fair? I’ve been accused of trying to ‘change’ one of my friends, which was honestly not my intention at all, though I can see why it came across that way. Either I misunderstood what they wanted or they didn’t communicate them very well.

Diamond Dallas Page’s attitude in
[Resurrection of Jake the Snake](https://youtu.be/Qf37h3lkMOU) is a good example of what I want to emulate. Not to the extreme of supporting someone with drug problems, but showing care through not tolerating bullshit, showing empathy within limits and supporting them with their goals.

1 comment
  1. Context is missing: did you offer unasked for advice? If yes, NOBODY likes this.

    Or did this person ask you for your opinion? If yes, it’s not fair of them to say you’re trying to change them.

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