If a woman disrespected you with insulting words, how long does it take for you to forgive them?

  1. Depends on who she is and what she says, if it’s a stranger talking shit I would forget about it in 5 minutes, but if it’s personal I can hold a grudge for years, everyone pays their dues eventually.

  2. Depends on the severity of the insult, and the intention behind it, and which occurrence this is. Minor insult and first time, pretty quickly. Major insult quite a while if ever. It really all depends.

  3. Right away? They’re just words man. I don’t care about that stuff, insult me all you want. We can go out to eat and hate on people together after you get done coming at me. I love to banter back and make an intended negative remark into a friendly encounter. If anything I wish girls would be more open to that type of engagement, talk some shit – there’s nothing better than a chick who can take it and dish it out (no underlying sexual intent there).

  4. There is a saying in french : “ça m’en touche une sans faire bouger l’autre” which roughly translates to “it touches one of mine (meaning one of my balls) without moving the other.”

    It means “it doesn’t affect me at all”. It reflets suite well how i take insults.

  5. Depends on the insult also depends on who this woman is if there a random person ill probably forget about it unless i meet them again then i would have probably forgiven then by then unless they insult me again if its a significant other that has insulted me anywhere between 2 days to a week if they apologise if its a family member the next day and if its a Friend anywhere between half a day and not being friends no more but u would have to say something extremely fcked up to break up the friendship

  6. Depends on circumstances and not on gender. Insults in the heat of the moment and more frustration than aimed at me? Maybe a few hours.

    Insults based on hatred against me? Never.

  7. Never. No further chances.

    Either she said it in anger, in which case it’s likely what she believes, and thus cannot be forgiven.

    Or she made shit up to get under your skin. She’s a psycho and it’s time to run out that door.

    Life is short. I won’t waste my time or emotions on someone like that. I’d rather be single forever than be treated that way.

  8. Almost immediately but I’ll never forget it and I’ll put them in their place if they try again.

    You’ve been warned

  9. Not long. I see there insulting words as an expression of how they feeling, angry, disappointed, sad. The words themselves mean nothing.

  10. never. i forgived some women in the but they was still an ass.. they never change..

  11. Um. It isn’t about time. Are they contrite and have they tried to make amends?

    I mean, I will eventually move on and be fine. Sometimes I will never give them another thought. But forgive? Forgiveness is earned.

    Either way, tolerate no disrespect.

  12. Banter is forgiven instantly.

    Going over the line, but apologizing is forgiven with the apology.

    Trying to belittle me, humiliate me or similar? You’re stuck with being thought of as that type of person.

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