I have not been in a relationship since high school and I am 28 now.

Whenever talking to guys I can never make it to the girlfriend stage.

And the guys that approach me are the guys that either want sex or are emotionally awkward.

I’ve also been told I’m ugly constantly.

I don’t understand and don’t know why it’s like this for me.

I need serious help and just about to give up. I would love to have my own family with kids, but this just seems damn near impossible.

  1. Ok, there really arent many coaches that can really help you.
    The biggest coach is life itself. To be fair, you dont need to be a 9/10 normally, but right now i have pretty much the same problem. I am 23M and cant into the boyfriend/girlfriend stage. What i dont understand tho is, why do people call you “ugly”? I mean i havent heard that someone straight up says that to someone and people for sure shouldnt do it. Its also not a objective view of course.
    I can only tell you to keep trying, there are soooo many people in this world the chance that you dont match with anyone is just stupid. Also the older you get the more physicall attraction should matter less, because people dont want party girls or beach boys. They want good boyfriend that can take care for themselfs and their family. So keep on trying, dont give up.

  2. Are you overweight? If so advice is to work as hard as possible to eat healthy and exercise. It will really change your life and attitude for the better. Nothing else will work. Make it your mission.

  3. I’d recommend therapy honestly. Most people can benefit from therapy imo and a good therapist can help you with your thought process, confidence. If you feel better about yourself you approach dating from a better mindset imo.
    (Dating coaches seem geared toward changing yourself to catch a man, appeal to men with various techniques. I don’t think you can have a good relationship if you can’t be your authentic self.)

  4. Can’t think of many women specific coaches on the top of my head but I’m sure there’s some that may take your liking with a quick search of two. Unfortunately a lot of “coaches” out there spew poor advice.

    Corey Wayne is one I recommend, yeah mostly for men, but he does explain the feminine energy as well. MyNonLeatherLife is a woman I came across and I liked her content. Same goes for AAHANA. Again, these may fall more for the guys but they explain the male and female roles well imo.

    Maybe it’s because I’m a guy but I wouldn’t take notice of those coaches or communities who say “stay true to yourself queen, you are perfect”, insult men and have zero awareness or accountability or offer actual advice. They offer nothing for growth and stir hate. Same applies to the male counterparts before anyone brings up “what about men?”.

  5. Listen to some streams by Kevin Samuels, he gives a pretty good an in-depth overview of what men like and want in women

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