Hi!! I’m not sure if anyone I know will see this so I’m using a throwaway just in case! I’ll try and give as much context as I can though!
So I (17NB) am best friends of almost two years with (18NB) and is my ex long story short we’ve been broken up for almost a year but are still fairly close nothing toxic it’s all healthy but the caveat is I still have feelings for them and have for a while they wanted to take a break with me cause of personal stuff,

and I was understanding of that till eventually, it dug so deep in my heart and I thought it would be best to break it off completely fast forward almost 8 ish months? I’m not exactly sure we broke
up in early November I think but anyway I find out they were dating someone who was In our friend group and they broke up I won’t go into specifics for respect and privacy of both parties but all I can say is that person was a piece of fucking shit

I know why I always hated her and recently they had just gotten back into contac with each other I also found out they started dating only a few months after we broke up so that didn’t dig little daggers in my chest at all:,) but anyway I’m scared they may get back together and they’ll be hurt again

I was thinking if I can confess my feelings they won’t get hurt again cause I know I’ll treat them right I just don’t know if they’ll accept my confession or if things will get weird between us

They’re an incredibly sweet, kind, and caring person I love them more than life itself I’m just at a loss for words and scared for them any advice would be appreciated thank you!

TL;DR I’m in love with my best friend who’s my ex and they may wanna get back together with their ex who they got in a relationship with just a few months after we broke up but I may wanna confess to see if I can help them in any way. :,)

1 comment
  1. Let them be and find out for themselves. If you confess your feelings, you could be manipulating them into what you ultimately want, but not what they ultimately want. It’s hard but that’s life.

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