Men with long hair, how do you manage with washing/caring for your hair?

  1. Honestly, caring *less* for my hair has been my biggest takeaway since I grew my hair out. Less shampoo, less fussing, etc. Just give it some conditioner and a rinse every day. Shampoo when it gets build up. Give it a brush once in a while just to keep it from tangling.

  2. I wash with water and shampoo, sometimes i steal my wife’s conditioner. Other than that, i brush twice a day and keep my hair in a ponytail.

  3. As other have said, hot shower and conditioner every day, shampoo 1-2 times per week, brush it every day, sometimes twice a day if I take the convertible out. 95% of the time it’s tied in a ponytail.

  4. Shampoo, condition, air dry, brush, put in pony tail.

    I don’t really get how women claim they cut their hair short because it’s easier to manage… long hair isn’t really that big of a deal.

  5. I don’t wash unless the roots start to look greasy (usually <= 1x/week). I don’t tie it back unless I’m going to bed (prevents excessive tangling). It’s curly, so I frequently avail myself of my girlfriend’s lovely range of products. Conditioners, leave-ins and oils.

  6. I use a good conditioner every time I shower. I only wash it every 10 to 12 days. Blow dry with a heat protector. And a nice leave in conditioner spray.

  7. Shampoo and conditioner, get a trim about once or twice a month. Brush occasionally.

  8. Wore my hair very long for about 28 years

    Washed it 2x weekly (or as needed after a camping trip, mosh pit, whatever)

    I didn’t use conditioner because it adds build up and weighs my hair down. Instead I’d use emu or coconut oil overnight 1x/wk which hydrate your hair & scalp far better than any conditioner IMO

    Otherwise leave it alone…don’t blow dry it, don’t dye it…don’t fuck with it. Just get down with your hair farmer hippie self 🤘

  9. I have what my friends jokingly call a lions mane. I have long thick wavy hair that expands wider than my shoulders especially when freshly washed.
    Because of the wavy/curlyness, I cannot wash it too frequently so it’s like 3 times a week. Shampoo, conditioner, and argon oil. I top it off with a lot of mousse and an anti frizz leave-in spray my sister got me. It’s a crazy routine but it works. Sometimes I wish I had straight hair, seems easier to manage

  10. I wash it with only water. When I started it was horrible for a month or so but then conditioned itself. Once a month or so I’ll put coconut oil through it to liven it up a bit. Plus it smells nice.

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