Do you have a relationship with the families of your siblings’ or children’s partners? If so, what do those relationships entail?

  1. My kids love me and are very attached to me. They are like superglue. I love them and I know they love me very much.

    My relationship with my in-laws and BIL is very estranged. We don’t agree a lot with religion, politics, parenting, my BIL misogynistic behavior, and health. However, my SIL and I have a decent relationship, but it is mainly surface level talk.

  2. I don’t know my sister’s “in-laws” (she’s not legally married, but she’s in a long-ass long term relationship, so I count them) at all. Couldn’t pick them out of a lineup and I’ve never spoken to them at all. I do know a teeny-tiny bit of information about them, and when one of them was really sick a little while ago, I was anxious for them and hoped they’d get better. (They did.)

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