How do you manage complaining, cynicism, and judging from others? I visit my parents and they often judge others, complain and generally make the mood negative.

How do you establish boundaries in these situations? My dad complains to my mom and they go back and forth. They criticize each other. How do I avoid this? How can I move the conversation to something positive? How do I avoid letting their negativity affect my headspace?

  1. Maybe talk with your parents saying how the negativity ruins the time you have with them. If you have traditional Asian parents then good luck with that conversation lol.

    You can move the conversation to something positive by just changing the subject. In terms of not letting negativity effect you, it’s kind of hard to explain, but for me I kind of just end up feeling sorry for anyone who constantly is negative but it doesn’t effect my vibe because I just see it as their own problem and I have a solid frame where other’s people issues don’t actually effect me.

  2. Just tell people that you don’t care, does it look like I care, why are you borthering me and that they can keep they’re comments to theirselves that’s what I do and I also say ok. just be nonchalant

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