i (19f) cannot figure out how to orgasm. i have some religious trauma related to sexual activity so until 4 months ago i’ve never really tried to play with myself. my ex boyfriend always tried to make me cum by fingering me (insertion, not clitoral stimulation) and it never really worked. i can feel the intensity of it but ive only ever felt close to an orgasm with clitoral stimulation using my vibrator. i know what being close is like because it’s the feeling of wanting to pee, but i always get overwhelmed. my boyfriend tries to get me to cum and often gets me close, but when i’m there i get really overwhelmed and squirm and even though i want him to get me to finish, i can’t stop squirming. i try by myself too, and i often feel close to the feeling where there is an overwhelming sensation that sweeps through my legs, but i cant get past that. i don’t know what an orgasm past the peeing sensation feels like, and i want to get there. any help would be appreciated.

  1. Try using a vibrator, and try edging. The more you edge without trying to cum, the more progress you’ll make.

  2. For women, it’s really about being in the right head space. When you have some privacy explore your body and try different things. Let go of “trying” to orgasm and just enjoy it. A lot of women can’t orgasm from just penetration. I only have a handful of times. Maybe you should try some new toys. Many women who can’t orgasm on their own have said that the satisfyer is the only thing that’s worked for them. Best of luck!

  3. One thing I would suggest is actively trying to seduce yourself more. I tried to successfully masturbate for a while but I pressured myself (I also have some religious anxiety about it for lack of better word) and it ruined the whole experience. Set the stage, clean your room, put out a candle, have mood lighting, try different positions, different methods, multiple kinks, etc. Relax into the experience and just enjoy the sensation, cum or not. In my personal experience learning how to masturbate or just getting the horny going are pretty good steps that a SO can also help with

  4. Let the bath faucet run very warm hard pressure on your clit and lay back girl. Hope it helps

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