Do you ever ghost people on dating apps or in general? And if so why do you do this? Do you think the act of ghosting can be servicing someone in the long run? Is it just too awkward, tiring and unnecessary to have to always explain yourself if it’s too early on? How early is too early to ghost people?

  1. I only have when I have tried to make my point and stance clear but the other person just won’t listen or respect it. I’m not wasting my energy. Listen or fuck off.

  2. I’ve done this only a handful of times and always for the same reason. If the girl couldn’t be bothered with more than one or two word replies and never even asked a question I gave them couple days because they could be shy and slow to open up. But when I see they just genuinely have zero interest then I don’t feel the need to explain myself

  3. I’ve been ghosted a lot in the past. Then later on I realized why, when I started ghosting some people on the dating apps later on.

    It taught me that no one has to commit interest one person to force a connection. If the connection is not there, it’s simply not there. I should have learned that instead of letting my ego get hurt.

    I get it, now. That’s all

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