Do you find that you’re more likely to get a conversation/date if you match on a dating app on a particular day? I’ve found that when I match on a Wednesday or Thursday I have a better chance of a conversation compared to, say, Sunday or Monday.

  1. I’m going to go with Thursday! Then you’ve got the whole weekend coming up to potentially make plans to meet. I prefer to meet sooner rather than later

  2. please please please tell me this is not another factor to give af about when using apps, just kms frrrrrr

  3. I have experience the same thing, but thought it was maybe just coincidence! It does seem Wed/Thur are more successful in terms of a match actually leading to a convo. Maybe that’s when people are starting to think about the weekend??

  4. I’d say Sundays. People seem to be at home, just relaxing for the upcoming work week. They seem to have the time to scroll through the apps on Sunday evenings.

  5. I second Sundays. If the chats and dates from the week before didn’t go well it’s a good time to start over.

  6. Swipe on Sundays (lots of people are home doing chores), chat, make a date for Tuesday/Wednesday

  7. I have to say Sunday evening. Gives you a whole week to text, FaceTime and make plans for a date on the weekend.

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