My(23F) BF(27M) visits me every weekend and spends the nights. He always insist of having the AC on + a rotating fan while we are chilling. We don’t usually go out until nighttime unless it’s too hot still, so mostly we hangout indoors. He is the type of person who also can’t sleep without the air on as well, unfortunately.
He asks to turn the air on even though I feel fine (I have to wear a robe bc I actually get too cold with it on).

I just checked my bill and it is usually $50-$70 but this time around it’s $124..

TD;LR Is it practical to ask my BF to pay partial PG&E bill, since my bill has doubled due to more use when he visits, even though he only visits weekends?

If so how do I go about it without being mean?

  1. Take the hit for this month, and explain to him that your power bill has doubled with the AC on so much now. Talk together about alternatives. Why is he visiting you every weekend? How do you split expenses, dates and groceries and stuff? Can you go see him? Can you keep the AC on but at a lower intensity, especially since his comfort makes you uncomfortable? Or is he willing to pay the difference?

    Don’t jump straight to asking him to pay the bill. When you ask people to financially contribute, it’s best to forewarn them so they can have a say and decide if they want [insert cost prohibitive thing]. And if he’s not willing to work with you on this, it’s a pretty early lesson on how the rest of the relationship will go.

  2. It’s difficult for me to believe your electric bill doubled just from having the ac on 4-8 days a month, so maybe check with yourelectric company to see what that’s being spent on. I run a portable ac in the summer almost 24/7 and mine only goes up maybe $30-40/month. Do you own a large house? There are a lot of factors I guess. But I wouldn’t go straight to saying “you owe me money because you use my ac”. Let him know your electric bill has doubled because of the ac being on nonstop at times. Then suggest using fans vs the ac whenever possible or have the temp set higher.

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