What is something you wrestled with a lot before accepting?

  1. Being Ace. Couldn’t accept it properly the first time because my ex made it sound like a bad thing and brushed it off when I came out a few years ago. I’m not completely out, but knowing for sure has made me much happier about it.

  2. I’m never going to ‘be ok.’

    I’ve spent the last 20+ years in therapy and being on the medication roller coaster.

    It’s never going to get better

  3. 98% of Men who are nice to you only want to know you for sexual reasons

    It took me a looong time to accept that.

  4. my petite body. some people look at is a kink and some people think i’m ‘too skinny’. especially as a dancer, the industry is so demanding of certain body types. bur everyone has a different body and everyone is beautiful so i’ve finally come to terms with my body type

  5. My build, and I still haven’t really accepted that — just accepted that I won’t be able to change the fact that I have a long upper body and bigger hips and thighs. Regardless of my weight, my proportions don’t really change. It’s a daily battle.

  6. Aside from my body?? Being single, I never had a boyfriend, and I don’t want one. I thought I was weird for years, turns out I’m perfectly fine on my own. If I ever get into a relationship it’ll be because I want to, not because some of some random social construct

  7. Chronic illness. Especially when it’s invisible. No, I’m not healthy even though I look fine, I’m not going to just get better, and honestly there’s not much else to be done about it.

  8. That I’m not happy. I’m mostly depressed and I’m very close to giving up and dropping everything in my life becasue they are what is hurting me the most.

  9. I’m a loner, I love spending time alone and I don’t have to feel bad about it just because others think it’s lame or sad

  10. That when you are someone who likes making things… be it music, painting, writing or whatever… you gotta enjoy the process and not just focus on the end result. If you suffer through the process it’s just not worth it. Do it if you find pleasure in it.

  11. Being an introvert. There’s nothing wrong with me just because I’m an introvert. I’ve had people shame me for being one. Also, not fitting the beauty standards. I can’t afford plastic surgery so I might as well embrace my features.

  12. Being alone.

    For most of my life I fought to be part of a friendship group. I worked hard on being a good friend, I adjusted my behavior and tried to learn as many skills as I could so I’d be indispensable. I did the same for relationships I tried everything I could to be the perfect girlfriend but no matter how caring, attentive and supportive I was I got cheated on and abused. Same story with my family, I was severely underestimated, no matter what I achieved it wasn’t acknowledged much less praised and any struggles were used to define me.

    By 22 I got ill after trying so hard all the time, at one point I was suffering from heart failure and almost died. No one cared I was fighting in a hospital bed. My heart still has trouble and I also have a debilitating chronic illness. The illness I have stole everything I had worked for and it isolates me.

    In the beginning I railed against it so hard because I wanted to be around people and out proving my worth. But 6 years later I relish being alone, I’ve had space to focus on me and figure out who I am without other people. I’ve found over the past few years I can’t have enough alone time. No expectations, no pressure, no proving anything to anyone. It’s just me, I don’t have to impress myself because i’m aware of my weaknesses and my strengths. It turns out I actually like who I am and I’m not bad company.

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