Right! I need answers stat. Me and the missus have tried them both, 1 and 2 and are in a heated debate as to what flavour they are. We kind of agree that the second one tastes a bit like Turkish delight but that’s where our consensus ends.

Put us out of our misery! What do you think?

  1. I can’t remember which is which but one is raspberry ripple, the other is apple pie

  2. No 2 is very much like Turkish delight in a creme egg like filling. Rosewater flavouring.

  3. Not heard or seen them, but judging by the other comments on your post OP. I’ll be staying well clear from the horrific sounding things 🫡

  4. No. 1 tastes like strawberry shortcake and No. 2 tastes like raspberry ripple to me can’t wait to see what they really are.

  5. Number 1: strawberries and cream

    I can’t work out the second one… I know I don’t like it and I love anything rose flavoured so I think it’s closer to almond

  6. Cant remember the numbers but one of them smells like turkish delight but tastes like raspberry, the other (smells alot nicer as I cant stand Turkish delight) smells really chocolatey but i cant put my finger on the taste. After reading the comments i cant taste any of the other opinions for the bar i cant tell what it is 😅

  7. I think 1st is Raspberry cream

    Bar 2 definitely tastes like blue Raspberry to me!!

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