yo smart/successful people are always also runners. I did it like 15 years ago and it was great for self esteem. how do I get back into it?

  1. The cool thing about running is that all you need to do it is a decent pair of shoes, and some free time

  2. Normally you would put 1 foot in front of the other left right left right and you would continue that until you achieved a pace that you would feel a breeze through your hair and you continue doing that until you are tired can’t figure out where you are and don’t know where you live to get home etc. etc.

  3. If you’re lucky enough to have a nearby park with a dirt/gravel path, that’s an excellent place to get into it. Set a small goal (1 lap, 1 mile, whatever) that you’re sure you can easily achieve. Victory will draw you right back in.

  4. Always need music! Put together a new playlist and get pumped while listening to it while running

  5. Go for long walks first. Then jog in intervals. Stop and catch your breath if you need to, then set off again.

    Also try to enjoy it. Take in the scenery and enjoy being out in the world. If you crack that, you’re more likely to stick to it. Do it for you.

  6. C25K There are like a million apps and a subreddit for it. Works well if you are a total beginner.

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