I’ve been seeing this girl for more than 15 days and I think we had sex maximum 4 times. This made me go crazy in the beginning, because usually girls want to have sex everyday with me and it’s really easy to start it with then, but she just seem like to not desire it at all. She claim that’s because of her PMS but I can’t buy it because it’s lasting 7 days and she was already that way before this.
We are like seeing each other everyday, she is even sleeping at my house because we are also studying for an exam together.
We also get along a lot, and she is all full of cuddle and care but this thing on sex disappoints me so much. I really don’t know what to do.

  1. That’s her pace and she doesn’t have to have sex with you every day and doesn’t want to. You either accept that or move on

  2. I don’t see a problem here? You’re seeing someone new and having sex and getting along. Not everyone wants it everyday. 4 times in 2 weeks is not “no desire”.

    >She claim that’s because of her PMS but I can’t buy it

    So, if she’s not on birth control, her libido is strongly affected by her estrogen levels which peak mid-cycle and crash during the 2nd half of her cycle after ovulation.

  3. 15 days is not a long time. Most people wait way longer to have sex with their partner and that’s normal too. Stop pressuring her and grow up. If you can’t wait, then breakup and see someone who wants to have sex. It’s that easy.

  4. How often are you wanting sex to where 4 times out of the 15 days you’ve been going out isn’t enough? And everyone is different with sex, I usually wait about 2 or 3 months before I even think about doing it with someone

  5. Some people just don’t want sex everyday, it’s as simple as that. My husband and I have been together for almost three years, his sex drive depends on his stress level. I, however, would have sex multiple times a day if I could. Sometimes he wants sexy times a lot and sometimes we only have sex once a week, these things fluctuate in a heathy relationship. The more important part is whether you connect emotionally and intellectually. Also it’s very important to have physical connection that’s not a part of sex, holding hands, cuddling, random groping, whatever lol keeping that physical relationship open all the time without it leading to sex is so important, especially for someone with a low sex drive. If you like this girl and can see a future with her, maybe you just have to accept that she doesn’t want sex all the time and look forward to the times you can be intimate. For now though maybe just try to connect with her on a deeper level.

  6. In my opinion man- look. You may have a high sex drive, but it seems like she needs more mental stimulation and trust building with you rather than just sex. If that’s all you are looking for then great. But it seems like she’s really stressed out and her brain is more prioritizing the important things rather than just sex. Don’t pressure her for it, and even try to take off some of her stress load on simple things if you can. That would definitely I think make her want to have sex. I know from personal experience once I had kids, there was so much on my plate, that there didn’t leave time for sex. But that’s because I was doing everything by myself. So often times my brain couldn’t shut down. It seems like this may be the case, that she is stressed out to the point where she can’t get in the mood. Cuddling is a basic thing because it requires no energy. It’s resting and making her feel secure. If you can’t handle the emotional side that comes in with females, you may need to reconsider.

  7. It’s not normal to see each other every day at the start of a relationship, let alone have sex everyday.
    Some people like to take their time to get to know each other. Sex is a bad foundation for a relationship. Don’t get me wrong it’s super important. But especially as a girl of a guy puts a lot of focus on sex in the early stages, it’s usually the case that that is what he is most interested in. Even if that’s not your intention, that’s how it reads.

    Even with someone I really liked I can’t have sex with someone everyday because it will hurt my vagina. I need a recovery day most of the time. Quality is better than quantity.

    And if your sexual needs are higher than hers, that’s what masturbation is for.

  8. Sex everyday is a lot. 4 times in 2 weeks is not bad. That’s twice a week. There’s no problem here. Lol.

  9. You realize PMS usually lasts until you get your period lmao?? PMS lasts for up to 2 weeks for a lot of women. Don’t be with women if you can’t even understand our bodies.

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