I (22F) recently matched with this guy (24M) (who we’ll call guy a) about three weeks ago on Hinge. We’ve texted (sometimes we’ll facetime and send voice memos too) almost every day, engaging in various conversations about different topics, and I enjoy talking to him. However, we have yet to meet because I recently moved back from my college town which was about an hour and a half away from him. We have a lot in common and even had plans of meeting last week that fell through due to poor timing. However, on Monday we made plans to go on a date this Sunday.

Last week I matched with another guy (24M) (guy b). He asked to follow me on instagram which I allowed and I noticed guy a followed him, I didn’t think much of it because they both went to the same university. But then on Sunday guy a posted a story on Instagram of him in guy b’s car so that’s when i realized they were friends. Guy b then asked me out on Tuesday which I agreed to and we went out Wednesday.

I honestly wasn’t expecting to enjoy my time with him because we barely messaged prior so I didn’t know what to expect but we hung out for about three hours and we ended up kissing twice 😅 He even wanted to see me again tonight.

So my question is, is it a bad idea to keep seeing both? I haven’t met guy a yet so I’m not sure how I feel about him just yet but I’ve been talking to him longer and have had more conversations with him. On the other hand I have met guy b and it felt like we clicked instantly despite having not conversing prior to meeting. I know I can’t keep this on for too long because they are friends but I also want to make sure I’m making the right decision (I hope that doesn’t sound selfish).

I don’t think they know that they’re both dating me because it’s so early (and men don’t really talk about these things) and I’ve decided that I won’t sleep with either of them until I decide which one I want to keep seeing. I also know that there is a likelihood that if they both find out that they might both drop me which is understandable.

What do you guys think I should do?

  1. Imagine if they both knew they were each dating you. How might it impact their friendship, especially if one starting dating you and other who was rejected knew his friend stole the girl he really liked? Would you be ok still dating one of the guys in that case? The fact that you posted this thread suggests you already have some reservations about it.

  2. >What do you guys think I should do?

    Hmm, that’s a puzzler alright.

    Are you good at disguises? You could slip on a wig, change your makeup and date guy a as a different person with a different name.

    So, even though a & b are friends, they’re unlikely to figure it out.

  3. Ngl it was kinda sus going on a date if you were already talking and making plans with someone else and it’s definitely worse if they know each other

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