For all the guys out here.. what do you feel women who take initiative to text first or ask or plan dates? Does it make them look too easy and u lose interest? It is true that men like to chase. I am just a no nonsense person with no energy for these mind games.. If i feel like I just ask them out or text them. But wonder sometimes if that’s misconstrued..

  1. “Children” play games (by children, I mean the immature guys). If you like someone, tell them or miss your chance. If you wait for the guy to go first because you’re worried about his feelings getting hurt by being a strong, independent woman who knows what she wants, then I can tell you that’s not the guy you want in the first place. If the guy is going to see you as “easy” by you texting first…HES NOT THE GUY FOR YOU.

    My wife was flirting with me for months before she finally came right out and said “do you like me back or what?” Granted I had to tell her I’m oblivious when I’m being hit on, but had it not been for her coming forward and saying something, we wouldn’t be together today.

  2. In my opinion I like it either way. In today’s world I personally feel it be better for a woman to ask a man out. The world has gotten far too confusing and the things always said when a guy approaches a lady.

  3. Not a man, but I’m like you. I’ve had good response from taking that kind of initiative. I do pay attention to whether or not I ALWAYS have to be the one to text first/plan things, because I want to date people who are putting forth equal effort. I’ve seen a lot of advice out there saying, “men need to chase, or they lose interest.” I figure there are probably some men like that, but that’s NOT the kind of guy that I personally want to date. I don’t know how you have a stable, fulfilling relationship if the guy has to be constantly “chasing” me. I’ve just never found that sustainable.

  4. It’s cool when women take initiative, but what makes certain women who do it seem easy is if they’re doing it to too many guys at once, especially in a group or party setting. When taking initiative, you gotta pick your shots carefully.

  5. I’ve had a lot of experience of with women who like to be chased and play games and it doesn’t interest me. A little bit of a chase can be fun but I like to know that a women has shown obvious interest in me first before I go on asking her out. It is very attractive when women make the first move.

  6. It’s refreshing, in this day and age I don’t want to feel like I’m coming on too strong and try to give girls space. I definately like a little forward action from the opposite sex.

  7. I really like it when a woman initiates. No, I do NOT like to chase. I don’t have time nor the energy for mind games.

    My ex broke up with me and then had the audacity to try and make me chase her.

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