I know that many guys I know are not sure if I like them or if I LIKE them. So what would show you with no doubt that she is “just being friendly”.

  1. Saying that you feel like they’re the brother you never had or saying you feel like they’re your big brother…def let’s me know there is 0% chance of intimacy but 100% friend vibes that are genuine

  2. – Don’t be touchy

    – Don’t ask too many questions about their life

    – Control your mimic and gestures

  3. It’s pretty hard to say really. From my experience if you just act like yourself as you do with other females then I would consider that being just friendly. Other men may interpret that differently though. So it’s kind of a person to person basis.

  4. By just being friendly. There’s not much you can do to prevent guys from shooting their shot, but don’t flirt with them at all. That’s about all that you can do.

  5. Just be friendly. Stop worrying about how men portray you. If they ask, tell them. Otherwise, just be.

  6. I have 2 really close female friends, and honestly, we just talked about being just friends. One of them is like a sister to me, we talk about everything, but there is almost no physical contact. On the other hand, me and the other one hug a lot, and our jokes are sometimes more intimate than you would do with strangers. But the fact that we explained really clearly, that there is not going to be anything between us made our relationship clear.

  7. 1. Dont be touchy
    2. Dont play with your hair
    3. Dont give them the ‘eye’ or prolonged, intense eye contact.
    4. Dont do full body Hi/Bye hugs – Do a lean in.
    5. Use bro, mate, dude in conversation.

  8. It does really matter what you do. If a guy wants to see your behaviour as something more than friends he will. Best I can offer is to literally say to him “I like you as a friend”.

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