What’s the biggest issue in your life right now?

  1. Multiple close friends (including a guy I had feelings for over the last 3 years) have started new relationships recently and I’m feeling very left behind and lonely. It’s hard to make new friends when I work on weekends (retail) and don’t own a car.

  2. Severe addiction. I’m so addicted to video games that I sleep 4 hours and do nothing else.

  3. I’m just trying to like, grow up. I feel like the pandemic stole the end of my twenties from me. I’m about to turn thirty and I just want to stop wasting my life stressing out about shit that doesn’t matter and push myself to become more emotionally self-reliant, kinder, and more confident.

  4. I don’t know where to go career-wise. I have good qualifications but not the ones that’ll allow me to progress onto doing another qualification I need for the job I’d like to do. The educational system is a bit flawed in that sense that it’s so strict

  5. Found out my abusive dad has a horrible illness that’s basically Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, and ALS all in one. It’s been so much to process especially since we’re not on speaking terms. It sucks knowing that even though he knows he doesn’t have much time left, he still doesn’t want to make amends with me.

    But the worst part is that because my dad has it, I have a 50/50 chance of having it and because the illness mutates when passed down from the father, if I have it I will likely show symptoms earlier than he did. It’s been so much to process. But I made the decision to get tested and that process starts in June so at least I won’t be in the unknown for much longer.

    Hoping and praying for a negative result. I’m trying to remain optimistic about science finding a treatment for this illness in 20 years time in the case that I do have it. In so many ways I’ve felt like my entire family line has been cursed. Both sides of my family line have been plagued with severe abuse and trauma. And this horrible disease running in my family just makes that feeling worse. I’m really hoping I beat the odds.

  6. My check engine light came on 70 miles after my 100,000 mile warranty expired :/

  7. i had a c section (Saturday April 2nd) and my baby is in the NICU, i never got to hold her yet, I’m missing a lot of her first moments…I’m so sad

    edit thank you for the upvotes and awards.❤️

  8. sorta struggling with academics, i kinda feel like all i do is study and do homework and that my life is very boring as of now?? i kinda feel that i don’t know what i want with certain people and aspects of my life. my feelings are all over the place and my mind feels more chaotic than usual ):

  9. Don’t have enough money to live, can’t really work for a few months until I graduate.

  10. I want to move, but there are no homes on the market to buy that’s worth the price.

  11. My health. I currently can’t perform my job duties or travel because a body part hurts.

  12. I need a job, a job that can afford rent and livelihood, I want to leave my abusive home

  13. It’s between finding the cause of my intermittent vision loss and finding the energy/motivation to study for my exams.

  14. I have quality healthcare insurance. I have the means to pickup the bill after insurance.
    I would like to be an active participant in feeling physical better.
    I can’t get an appointment with any sort of provider in a reasonable amount of time.
    Takes like a year to have a problem addressed full circle.

    Same for my kids.

  15. Work. Want to get out, need to wait 5 horrible months until it lines up with the long term plan. Pure torture. Life goes on as I repeat suck it up buttercup, life is a tournament, not a hand.

  16. I have a chronic health issue that is affecting my quality of life. I’m booked to have a procedure done that will hopefully manage my symptoms (no one is really sure if it’s going to actually work, and if it doesn’t I’m going to need major surgery) but because of healthcare staffing issues my procedure has been rescheduled 3 times already 🙃

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