On Saturday night I went out because two of my partners friends are moving to another state.

My partners friends girlfriend had a couple of her girl friends come and one of the girls was really pretty.

My boyfriends friend (we’ll call M) wanted to try and get with this girl and was trying to dance with her. While at the club my boyfriend asked me if he could buy her (the really attractive girl and the girl M wanted to get with) a drink to try and loosen her up or something like that to help her get with M.

But in the car on the way back from the club my boyfriend was telling me that he was telling M that the girl is keen on him when she was telling my boyfriend that she wasn’t keen.

Now my boyfriend and this girl are friends on Facebook (I’m not friends with her on Facebook) and I don’t know how I feel about because they only just met. I’m not even friends with some of my boyfriends friends that I’ve known for months or even years.

It seems weird. I am wondering whether I confront him about it.

Any advice?

TLDR – boyfriend wanted to buy a drink for a girl he just me to loosen her up and now they’re friends on Facebook.

  1. What are you suspecting your boyfriend about and why? Have you any reason to believe he is going to cheat on you?

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