Hi everyone!

I just found out that my body language is kinda close, I tend to look a lot at the floor without realizing it and avoid the visual interaction. I just change this and I feel a difference, people tend to talk to me more, with is something I like.

I was wondering what are other tricks to have an open body language?

1 comment
  1. It’s easy. People who are afraid (anxiety is basically fear) tend to protect the most vulnerable parts of their bodies in the case of a physical attack – neck, belly and chest. This translates into rounded shoulders, head down, arms across chest and belly. Since people are herd animals, we tend to be spooked by signs of fear and anxiety in others. Meaning if one person is afraid, that signals that there is some danger ahead, so we naturally want to avoid this situation as much as possible.

    Fearful people repel others because they signal proximity to danger. They may not be dangerous themselves, but our lizard brain tells us if someone is afraid, there must be some danger nearby.

    So if you want to simulate lack of fear, you need to put your shoulders down, head up, expose the neck, chest and belly. If you are a man, spread your legs more. Fearful men also protect their crotch.

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